Top 10 – Shapeshifters

GeekOut Top 10s

Now you see me, now you don’t! Well you do, only I look like I’m someone completely different now. Hush, I can be exactly what you’re looking for, or become your worst nightmare. Yes, I’m a whole different type of beast; the kind who would rather walk right up to you and change before your very eye than to stalk you and take you out from the shadows.

I can only be talking about shapeshifters, those tricky little blighters who know how to get in the skin of their opposition: Literally! They manage to change forms, sometimes becoming entirely different creatures in the process, but fear not! This week we’re going to give you a run down of our Top 10 Shapeshifters, so you know what and who to look out for. Continue reading “Top 10 – Shapeshifters”

Christmas Presents

You have ten days left, and even that’s optimistic. More like nine, not to mention you’re probably working a lot of those days, then once you’ve bought all the presents you’ve got to wrap them and get them to the people who they’re for. How are you going to enjoy your oversized meal and collection of things you’ll receive with varying degrees of appreciation if you’ve only just unburdened yourself of the social obligations? You’re exhausted, you’re unfulfilled because you bought everyone the same Mars Bar to share.

I love Christmas.

Honestly I do, I started shopping in August! This is the one month where my jewel encrusted bitterness and napalm hatred gives in to unbearable enthusiasm and an ever-mounting tower of creative power. But I’ll address the terrible things emerging from my brain another time. Here’s some advice for getting last minute presents for your nerdier friends and relatives. Continue reading “Christmas Presents”

Meltdown London

It’s hard finding a really good geeky bar in England. If you don’t believe me, go step outside and have a look around. See if you can find some really good geeky bars near you (and tell us all about them!)

In Bristol, we don’t have many. We’ve got Kongs of King Street and The Bag of Nails for suitably geeky pubs in Bristol… and I’m sort of accidentally on purpose changing the King William Ale House into a very geeky pub. But don’t tell them that, wait until they find this website and decide to take down our Geeky Shenanigans and make us look elsewhere. I think we should trademark Geeky Shenanigans.

It’s hard finding a really good geeky bar in England. If you don’t believe me, go step outside and have a look around. See if you can find some really good geeky bars near you (and tell us all about them!)

In Bristol, we don’t have many. We’ve got Kongs of King Street and The Bag of Nails for suitably geeky pubs in Bristol… and I’m sort of accidentally on purpose changing the King William Ale House into a very geeky pub. But don’t tell them that, wait until they find this website and decide to take down our Geeky Shenanigans and make us look elsewhere. I think we should trademark Geeky Shenanigans.

Continue reading “Meltdown London”

Super Meat Boy Review

A lot of people have heard of the hellishly hard Super Meat Boy, but recently I was proudly able to get my hands a hold of the game. Much to the chagrin of my friends, such as Kevin, I will spend hours on that game, trying to slowly 100% the game. Yes: I want to get all of the bandages, all of the levels (including the hard mode levels) and all of the warp zones. This also includes all of the unlockable characters.

Although I play a lot of it, I thought I’d write a review about the simply squishy Super Meat Boy!

A lot of people have heard of the hellishly hard Super Meat Boy, but recently I was proudly able to get my hands a hold of the game. Much to the chagrin of my friends, such as Kevin, I will spend hours on that game, trying to slowly 100% the game. Yes: I want to get all of the bandages, all of the levels (including the hard mode levels) and all of the warp zones. This also includes all of the unlockable characters.

Although I play a lot of it, I thought I’d write a review about the simply squishy Super Meat Boy!


Continue reading “Super Meat Boy Review”