Kickstarter Highlight – Men vs Cosplay: 2015 Calendar

Do you like cosplay?

Do you like men. Um… wait… That’s not what it looks like!!

Do you like calendars of cool people in cosplay?

We’re back once more with another awesome edition of Kickstarter Highlight!


Men vs Cosplay: 2015 Heroes vs Villains Calendar


What is it?

This campaign is looking to bring some exposure to the men in Cosplay.

Now, that sounds like I’m saying this is going to be men doing things like the firemen calendars out there, where the men are half naked and covered in oil to make their abs look oh so impressive. Well, it’s not, stop assuming things!

See, this was a lot more innocent than you made it out to be. Darn you, reader!

Okay, that one might be half-naked.

The cosplay industry is well known for its female participants… But, there’s a staggering amount of amazing male cosplayers, too.

Take, for example, Bristol based Andy Valentine (Valentine Cosplay). Seriously, if you’ve never seen his stuff before, go check him out. People like him a little guy like me can only look up to. Though we little guys do try, we truly do!!


How much are they asking for?


That’s not much to ask for giving some fellow cosplayers some much needed recognition now is it?

Of course, that depends on your views of the subject, but most of that money will be used to pay for the cosplayers travel for their photoshoots, as well as the main culprit: Printing/Posting. They’ve actually given a full breakdown of the costs:

Printing/Shipping – $3,400
Production/Travel costs – $1,500
Kickstarter fees – roughly $500

Helping the cosplay community – Priceless.

There’s more merch than just a calendar here!

There are some things money can’t b- Oh my word, please do not sue me for using that, Mastercard!

What are the backer rewards?

I’ve personally pledged in at the $16 mark, as heck – I’m into cosplay and I kept complaining this year that I didn’t get myself a damned calendar. I’ve been relying on Google! (There’s really nothing wrong with relying on Google… But… A physical calendar, you know!?)


  • Pledge $5 or more

    [DIGITAL GOODS PACK] You’ll receive exclusive wallpapers of the guys from their photo shoots to their “behind-the-scenes” outtakes.
    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014

  • Pledge $10 or more


    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014
  • Pledge $16 or more

    [EARLY BACKER DEAL] 2015 MEN VS COSPLAY HEROES VS VILLAINS CALENDAR + digital edition w/ wallpapers + “hero” or “villain” edition collector’s postcard!

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014
    Add $16 USD to ship outside the US

  • Pledge $20 or more

    [CALENDAR PACKAGE] 2015 MEN VS COSPLAY HEROES VS VILLAINS CALENDAR + digital edition w/ wallpapers + “hero” or “villain” edition collector’s postcard!

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014
    Add $16 USD to ship outside the US

  • Pledge $25 or more

    [SUPPORTER CALENDAR PACKAGE] 2015 MEN VS COSPLAY HEROES VS VILLAINS CALENDAR + digital edition w/ wallpapers + “hero” or “villain” edition collector’s postcard + your name in the back pages of the calendar!

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014
    Add $16 USD to ship outside the US


These aren’t bad tier prices and there’s still plenty of early backer deals available.

So there we have it, let’s honour our fellow cosplayers, even those who often get forgotten about.

Perhaps one day, GeekOut should do its own cosplay calendar featuring some of the beautiful cosplayers from the Cosplayer Highlight series… Um, okay, I’m sure a few of them will look at me angrily for even suggesting to take pictures of them to sell around the place. YIKES!

What do you all think about cosplay calendars? On a more board topic: What about men in cosplay? Do you think they get as much appreciation as their female counterparts? What’s the reason you think that? Let us know in the comments below.