GeekOut Tube is Coming Back in 2018

Hoo boy, I say this every year with regards to how much I miss doing these videos, but it’s true. I always miss recording Let’s Plays for people and this year is no different. I’ve already discussed with a number of people how much I’ve missed recording Let’s Plays in 2018 and as time goes on, that desire gets greater. I’m looking forward to getting back into it – and even though I’ve been asked by some people if I’ll do Tekken Let’s Plays, the answer is “Probably not”, as I’m not great at it. However, I intend to return to recording YouTube videos for all of you, so what will we be retruning to?

Hoo boy, I say this every year with regards to how much I miss doing these videos, but it’s true. I always miss recording Let’s Plays for people and this year is no different. I’ve already discussed with a number of people how much I’ve missed recording Let’s Plays in 2018 and as time goes on, that desire gets greater. I’m looking forward to getting back into it – and even though I’ve been asked by some people if I’ll do Tekken Let’s Plays, the answer is “Probably not”, as I’m not great at it. However, I intend to return to recording YouTube videos for all of you, so what will we be retruning to?

Continue reading “GeekOut Tube is Coming Back in 2018”

Mobile Game Review – PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator

Never did I think I would be reviewing a game brought out by the king of YouTube. Join Timlah as we check out Tuber Simulator, to see if it’s merely good, or is it truly great and a must-have on your phone.

Never did I think I would be reviewing a game brought out by the king of YouTube. Love him or hate him, PewDiePie is a polarising figure who brings a lot of attention to the YouTube platform. Without him, many popular YouTubers probably wouldn’t be around, so it’s nice to see he’s paying homage to who he is, as well as giving people a fun easy game to pass the time with. But is Tuber Simulator merely good, or is it truly great and a must have on your phone?

Continue reading “Mobile Game Review – PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator”

VMWare Presents: Robot Wars

Robot Wars is great fun and anyone who has seen the chaotic carnage caused by the roboteers will know only too well, that the pits are coming back to our televisions soon. Join our contributor, Murray, who saw a live event of Robot Wars recently and shares his experiences of being up and close to robot legends.

Robot Wars is great fun and anyone who has seen the chaotic carnage caused by the roboteers will know only too well, that the pits are coming back to our televisions soon. Join our contributor, Murray, who saw a live event of Robot Wars recently and shares his experiences of being up and close to robot legends.

Continue reading “VMWare Presents: Robot Wars”

Video Game Review: Wild Animal Racing

Steam Cards are a good way to find out about hidden gems on Steam, titles that wouldn’t have ever been discovered without them. Wild Animal Racing is one of these hidden gems, which are locked away so tightly, that you’d never imagine you would be able to play Mario Kart on your PC. Well, you’re not, but you are playing a great game of a similar vein. Join Timlah as we look through the wonderfully silly Wild Animal Racing.

Steam Cards are a good way to find out about hidden gems on Steam, titles that wouldn’t have ever been discovered without them. Wild Animal Racing is one of these hidden gems, which are locked away so tightly, that you’d never imagine you would be able to play Mario Kart on your PC. Well, you’re not, but you are playing a great game of a similar vein. Join Timlah as we look through the wonderfully silly Wild Animal Racing.

Continue reading “Video Game Review: Wild Animal Racing”

Video Editing on Linux

I’m no professional when it comes to editing videos, although I’ve learned a lot in a short space of time out of necessity. Whether I’m playing an indie title that grabs my attention, or the latest iteration of our popular GeekOut Plays Stonekeep series, I have learned very quickly that the videos that I get from raw recordings aren’t enough. This is where video editing comes in – In this article, I discuss video editing on Linux.

I’m no professional when it comes to editing videos, although I’ve learned a lot in a short space of time out of necessity. Whether I’m playing an indie title that grabs my attention, or the latest iteration of our popular GeekOut Plays Stonekeep series, I have learned very quickly that the videos that I get from raw recordings aren’t enough. This is where video editing comes in – In this article, I discuss video editing on Linux.

Continue reading “Video Editing on Linux”

Video Game Review: Beyond Good & Evil

Since it’s one of our current Let’s Plays, featuring more important Sus Sapiens than Tomba, we have a look at Beyond Good & Evil. Is it any good or is it just another game that gets over hyped due to nostalgia? Timlah investigates the reporter and her epic action adventure.

Since it’s one of our current Let’s Plays, featuring more important Sus Sapiens than Tomba, we have a look at Beyond Good & Evil. Is it any good or is it just another game that gets over hyped due to nostalgia? Timlah investigates the reporter and her epic action adventure.

Continue reading “Video Game Review: Beyond Good & Evil”

Upcoming Series on the GeekOut YouTube Channel

You may have noticed the Stonekeep series slowed down for a while – But fear not, this will be back to normal, along with more series in the near future. Read on as Timlah lists the ongoing series he’s going to start running.

You may have noticed the Stonekeep series slowed down for a while – But fear not, this will be back to normal, along with more series in the near future. Read on as Timlah lists the ongoing series he’s going to start running.

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Stonekeep, the game that started it all for me as a Dungeon Crawler fan. So it’s no real surprise that I’d start my YouTube channel with one of the games that was an early fond memory for me. I was so keen to see more people get to experience Stonekeep, that I didn’t even realise the amount of work behind a YouTube channel, let alone editing your own videos, scheduling and publishing the associated articles with them.

However, we’re now past the holiday season, many of us are going back to our day jobs and here at GeekOut, we’re switching on the overdrive! Yes, I will be diving back into Stonekeep and doing 2 weekly let’s play episodes of the series once more… But this time, Stonekeep won’t be alone on YouTube. No, I don’t just mean one off episodes for articles either; I mean I’m going to work on making a new series or two for the channel to go along with it.

Theme Hospital

I haven’t forgotten about it, don’t worry. I’ve actually gotten two episodes recorded as of time of writing, but I decided not to bring this series back until I had released this article. I expect to finish this series by mid to late February, as it’s one I’d started but then stopped releasing episodes of (foolishly).

I love the game, I love Bullfrog games and you can expect to see Theme Hospital come to a close within the next two months. It’s time to pick up the Slack Tongue and cure many more patients. I am not sure if I will fully finish the whole game in the series. Only time will tell!

Final Fantasy IX


If you’ve stuck around GeekOut for more than a couple of days, you might be aware that I’m hugely fond of the Square Enix masterpiece, Final Fantasy IX. I’ve been looking at many ways to connect my PSP up to my PC and now that I’ve got a way of playing FFIX on my PC, it’s almost time to start recording it. I expect to start putting out FFIX LPs by the end of February – After I’ve finished my Gamely Giving streams.

I have a few goals on that series:

  • All four optional bosses, Quale, Tantarian, Hades and Ozma, will be defeated.
  • Find many secrets and explain how to get them.
  • Build a team using Zidane, Vivi, Steiner and Freya – An all-out aggressive team!
  • I hope this series proves to be as entertaining as Stonekeep has been.

This comes at a really opportune time too, as recently it was unveiled that there will be a Final Fantasy IX remake! Well then, let’s hope that is a good remake for what I feel is the best Final Fantasy game in the series. I’m looking forward to playing it natively on my PC, but in the mean time: Time to get this one going!

Beyond Good & Evil


A masterpiece of a game, involving more beauty shots of pig-men than any other game, Beyond Good & Evil set the bar when it came out for truly innovative storytelling. With the unique premise of being a reporter for Jade & Co’s Reporting, it’s up to you as Jade to take on aliens, military and more to find out what has been happening in your home world of Hillys.

Featuring a brilliantly unique photography system where you uncover clues and earn money for your published images, Beyond Good & Evil didn’t work on many Windows PCs when it first came out. A lot of people encountered day one bugs with it, which stopped them from enjoying it. Recently however, I’ve been able to make the game work via WINE and now it’s time to show off this RPG Phenom… You’ll be left wondering why you haven’t played it before, or yearning to play it again.

There are more series planned throughout the year, however these are the upcoming ones. I’ll also still do the occasional one-off video. What do you think so far? Are you happy we’re going to diversify a little bit with our Let’s Play series? Do you think there’s anything else I should play on the channel (bearing in mind my very underpowered machine)? What series are you happiest to see come to our channel? As always, your comments are much appreciated below, or over on Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget to Subscribe, Like and Comment on the GeekOut YouTube channel and we’ll see you over there soon!

GeekOut Plays Stonekeep – Episodes 10 & 11

Stonekeep is a classic RPG adventure game. You take the helm of Drake, a brave young man who saw his home ripped apart before his very eyes by the evil Khull-Khuum. Drake is encouraged by the Goddess Thera to defeat Khull-Khuum by returning to his home of Stonekeep. Khuul-Khuum however has other plans, as he imprisons Thera. Join Timlah as we play though this exciting classic adventure.

Stonekeep is a classic RPG adventure game. You take the helm of Drake, a brave young man who saw his home ripped apart before his very eyes by the evil Khull-Khuum. Drake is encouraged by the Goddess Thera to defeat Khull-Khuum by returning to his home of Stonekeep. Khuul-Khuum however has other plans, as he imprisons Thera. Join Timlah as we play though this exciting classic adventure.

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In this weeks GeekOut Plays, I manage to lop the top bit of the videos off. Aren’t I smart?

Episode 10 – Shoo Snakes Don’t Bother Me

In this episode of GeekOut Plays Stonekeep:

  • I run into a lot of snakes.
  • I kill a lot of snakes.
  • I have a lovely chit-chat with the audience.
  • I use the journal a lot…
  • And I pick on Farli.


Episode 11 – The Cylinder Has A Use

Episode 11 is already here (How is this going by so quickly?!) Here’s what it looks like:

  • We uncover a bucket.
  • We kill way more snakes.
    • They kinda look like mini Loch-Ness Monsters.
  • There’s a use for that bucket after all.
  • I edit out a lot of boring stuff.
  • ‘Quirky Dog’ makes a return
  • We find out what that Cylinder is for – And it relates to something I did not think about, but makes so much sense!

As always, let me know what you thought of these episodes in the comments below, over on Facebook and Twitter. Whilst you’re at it, please remember to go and subscribe to our YouTube channel and show us some support. These episodes are fun to make, but there’s a lot of work involved. Next week, I’ll do an article on how I make my episodes and the work that goes into them. Thanks again!

GeekOut Plays Stonekeep – Episodes 8 and 9

Welcome back, it’s been another week and of course just because it’s Halloween week doesn’t mean that there’s going to be a lack of these videos. I said I’m going to play this through and damn it, play it through I will. Unless something catastrophic happens which means I can’t, but that’s besides the point! Let’s see what we’ve got in store for this weeks GeekOut Plays Stonekeep videos.

Welcome back, it’s been another week and of course just because it’s Halloween week doesn’t mean that there’s going to be a lack of these videos. I said I’m going to play this through and damn it, play it through I will. Unless something catastrophic happens which means I can’t, but that’s besides the point! Let’s see what we’ve got in store for this weeks GeekOut Plays Stonekeep videos. Don’t forget, Friday we’ll upload a new video of GeekOut Plays Theme Hospital and on Saturday, Halloween itself, watch me fail horribly at Five Nights At Freddy’s 4!

Also on Halloween, I’ll be involved in a stream with the wonderful 1001Up. I should be in costume too, so do go and check their stream out (Follow us and 1001Up on social media to find out when we’re live.) Right, enough about the schedule, what’s happened today?

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Episode 8 – Magical Mishaps

In this frightfully spellbinding episode of GeekOut Plays Stonekeep:

  • I realise I’m nowhere near finished with that floor.
  • I find the gem I couldn’t find!
  • I find another gem I didn’t find before and commentate about it.
  • I include way more editing than usual.
  • The audio is back!
  • Wahooka tells me the story.
  • I start to wine about the next floor (get it? Wine..? Bah. Watch the video, you’ll see…)

I nearly left that floor without getting the rune rod… Which I didn’t even know was a thing, for the record. I’m so glad I decided to explore this floor some more, as life without it, I can imagine, will be a pain later down the line. Magic usually is way more powerful than melee! Also, I learn about the fighting style of Farli.

Episode 9 – Sewer Snakes and Slimes

In this dank, dark episode of GeekOut Plays Stonekeep:

  • I’m in the sewer.
  • I run away from the sewer then go back to it.
  • I fight sewer snakes who aren’t so bad…
  • But now sewer slimes are dreadfully impossible to get a hold of.
  • I realise how intense the sewers are compared to what we’ve seen so far.
  • “Ow, my foot.” – Drake
  • I end by going back to drink more wine. When in severe pain, become an alcoholic it seems. (Please drink responsibly.)


That’s it for this week. Join us again next week for our next two episodes of GeekOut Plays Stonekeep. As always, let me know what you thought in the comments below. I’ve also fixed the scaling issue of the game. Actually, I just edited it to make it look a lot larger. Let me know your thoughts below, or over on Facebook and Twitter. I will hand the gems to Wahooka. Honestly, I will!!

GeekOut YouTube Channel – Where We’re At

Cast your mind back just two weeks ago and YouTube was a foreign concept for GeekOut. Occasionally, we may put a video up, but nothing to the frequency of what we’ve been doing recently. Read on to find out what we’ve got planned as well as how the process has been going so far.

Cast your mind back just two weeks ago and YouTube was a foreign concept for GeekOut. Occasionally, we may put a video up, but nothing to the frequency of what we’ve been doing recently. Read on to find out what we’ve got planned as well as how the process has been going so far.

Continue reading “GeekOut YouTube Channel – Where We’re At”