GeekOut Bristol Meet – October 14th: VAMP-TASTICAL! Gallery

We came, we saw, we drank and we dined. GeekOut Bristol Meet was as loud as ever, seemingly slightly busier than usual and with a competition that really seemed to gnaw at everybodies necks. So whilst we were being so merry, time went by so quickly as we had games on the go, people discussing everything, including a rather deep conversation about life in the conservatory. Deep stuff, guys.

Blah! We vant to suck your blood– Oh dear, that’s the worst vampire cliche ever.

We came, we saw, we drank and we dined. GeekOut Bristol Meet was as loud as ever, seemingly slightly busier than usual and with a competition that really seemed to gnaw at everybodies necks. So whilst we were being so merry, time went by so quickly as we had games on the go, people discussing everything, including a rather deep conversation about life in the conservatory. Deep stuff, guys.

Continue reading “GeekOut Bristol Meet – October 14th: VAMP-TASTICAL! Gallery”

Top 10 Vampires

You voted for it, you’ve got it. This week, we’re looking at some of the most blood thirsty creatures ever known to sci-fi/fantasy. No, we’re not on about a leech, nor a parasite, but they certainly could fall under these categories. We can only be talking about Vampires, a type of undead that likes to nom on your blood, essentially draining you of your very life force. What a horrible way to go.

GeekOut Top 10s

You voted for it, you’ve got it. This week, we’re looking at some of the most blood thirsty creatures ever known to sci-fi/fantasy. No, we’re not on about a leech, nor a parasite, but they certainly could fall under these categories. We can only be talking about Vampires, a type of undead that likes to nom on your blood, essentially draining you of your very life force. What a horrible way to go.

Have you ever looked outside at the dark night (not to be confused with the film that scores better than 5/7), then romanticised about someone nibbling on your neck? These guys will be a literal pain in your neck when they clamp down on your flesh and drain you of your fluids (That doesn’t sound healthy). Join us as we count down our Top 10 Vampires. Continue reading “Top 10 Vampires”