GeekOut UK – Our New Name

Hey all, I decided not to do a full post today, but rather I’d quietly slip in a tiny update.

Hey all, I decided not to do a full post today, but rather I’d quietly slip in a tiny update.

Continue reading “GeekOut UK – Our New Name”

GeekOut Discord Server Changes in 2019

Discord has undergone some drastic changes this year, from being purely about a chat environment, to selling games. Meanwhile, we here at GeekOut Media haven’t really done a lot to ensure that our Discord channel evolves with us. In all honesty, it’s something I’ve been meaning to fix up for quite some time… So, in the new year, we’ll introduce a few new changes to our server. Join us as we look at what we’re going to do in 2019.

Discord has undergone some drastic changes this year, from being purely about a chat environment, to selling games. Meanwhile, we here at GeekOut Media haven’t really done a lot to ensure that our Discord channel evolves with us. In all honesty, it’s something I’ve been meaning to fix up for quite some time… So, in the new year, we’ll introduce a few new changes to our server. Join us as we look at what we’re going to do in 2019.

Continue reading “GeekOut Discord Server Changes in 2019”

Our Projects in 2018-2019

We’ve always strived to be ambitious – Whether or not we can always achieve those goals, that’s another question. I don’t think we’ve ever given up on any project, however more importantly, we like to keep working until we meet our goals. There’ve been delays along the way, but I figured it’d be great to look at what our projects as a group, a website and a community are, at least for the upcoming 12 or so months.

We’ve always strived to be ambitious – Whether or not we can always achieve those goals, that’s another question. I don’t think we’ve ever given up on any project, however more importantly, we like to keep working until we meet our goals. There’ve been delays along the way, but I figured it’d be great to look at what our projects as a group, a website and a community are, at least for the upcoming 12 or so months.

Continue reading “Our Projects in 2018-2019”

The Future of Pokemon Go

A work which becomes a genre in itself. Worth noting that this is not Niantic’s first outing with a game of a similar format, but when you use one of gaming’s biggest names to shine a spotlight on your core concept of course it’s going to explode. The problem we have is a fairly common issue in the modern gaming industry, we have been presented with an incomplete product. We’ve not paid for it of course, and the advantage of its freemium style is that you only pay money if you’re already enjoying what you’ve got. Continue reading “The Future of Pokemon Go”