Top 10 Media Dealing With Tough Subjects

Media, such as films, games, tv and literature, has always had to share with us some great stories. Whether it’s a story of friendship, power or love, we’ve always had a story we can sit back and enjoy. But not every story is the same – Not every story has happy endings. Indeed, not every story was written to make us comfortable. Instead, it’s a sharp, stark reminder of what the real world can be like. This week, check out our Top 10 Media Dealing with Tough Subjects.

Media, such as films, games, tv and literature, has always had to share with us some great stories. Whether it’s a story of friendship, power or love, we’ve always had a story we can sit back and enjoy. But not every story is the same – Not every story has happy endings. Indeed, not every story was written to make us comfortable. Instead, it’s a sharp, stark reminder of what the real world can be like. This week, check out our Top 10 Media Dealing with Tough Subjects.

WARNING: Going into this one, we will be discussing some difficult subjects in as clean a manner as we can. However, if any of the topics are a bit too much for you, please skip it!

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Top 10 Dogs

Dogs – We love dogs for how loyal they are to us humans. So whether you’re the type of person who likes to boop a puppers snoot, or if you’re the type to have a faithful companion, then this Top 10 is for you. We’ll look at dogs in all manners of geek media, so without any further delay, here are our Top 10 Dogs:

GeekOut Top 10s

Bow-wow, bark! Woof, woof. Uh. Wag. I dunno.

Dogs – We love dogs for how loyal they are to us humans. So whether you’re the type of person who likes to boop a puppers snoot, or if you’re the type to have a faithful companion, then this Top 10 is for you. We’ll look at dogs in all manners of geek media, so without any further delay, here are our Top 10 Dogs:

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