Cosplayer Highlight – Komplex

Welcome to Cosplayer Highlight, where we are joined by an incredible Cosplayer from the cosplay community.

Today we’re joined by a familiar face from a previous Cosplayer Highlight in Komplex from the Cosplay Duo, the British Bumpkins. We thought we’d interview these two lovely ladies separately this time around and see what’s new for each of them.

So read on for another awesome interview with an incredible member of the cosplay community.

Welcome to Cosplayer Highlight, where we are joined by an incredible Cosplayer from the cosplay community.

Today we’re joined by a familiar face from a previous Cosplayer Highlight in Komplex from the Cosplay Duo, the British Bumpkins. We thought we’d interview these two lovely ladies separately this time around and see what’s new for each of them.

So read on for another awesome interview with an incredible member of the cosplay community.

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – Komplex”

London Anime and Gaming Convention Gallery

Whilst I was working at LAGC, I was able to occasionally get time off to join in with the antics. I was able to get me some new goodies, meet some new people, exchange details with awesome traders and I also saw our friends at the Mayamada studios over there. So, without further adieu, click here for my LAGC gallery!

As I’ve mentioned previously this week, last weekend I was staffing for the London Anime and Gaming Convention. It was a brilliant event with a lot of positive reviews and many people who had plenty of fun.

Whilst I was working at LAGC, I was able to occasionally get time off to join in with the antics. I was able to get me some new goodies, meet some new people, exchange details with awesome traders and I also saw our friends at the Mayamada studios over there. So, without further adieu, here’s my LAGC gallery!


Were you at LAGC? Can you see yourself in any of the pictures here? Why not leave a comment in the section below, or drop us a message via Facebook or Twitter?

Cosplayer Highlight – TPJerematic

Welcome back once more to Cosplayer Highlight. You might have noticed this week was a two for one special – That’s because this was the one that was due last week, but we suffered a technical hitch.

The video didn’t come out as intended, so instead of wasting the slot, we figured we’d fill this week with not one, but two Cosplayer Highlight articles just for you lovely readers.

Much like the person we interviewed today, Komplex from The British Bumpkins, TPJerematic has been interviewed by us before. As he’s helped us provide some awesome pictures of cosplayers before, I thought I’d provide not an interview this time, but an update and a special thanks to TPJerematic.

Welcome back once more to Cosplayer Highlight. You might have noticed this week was a two for one special – That’s because this was the one that was due last week, but we suffered a technical hitch.

The video didn’t come out as intended, so instead of wasting the slot, we figured we’d fill this week with not one, but two Cosplayer Highlight articles just for you lovely readers.

Much like the person we interviewed today, Komplex from The British Bumpkins, TPJerematic has been interviewed by us before. As he’s helped us provide some awesome pictures of cosplayers before, I thought I’d provide not an interview this time, but an update and a special thanks to TPJerematic.

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – TPJerematic”