Top 10 Characters Who Are Too Powerful

“Too powerful? There’s no such thing!” I hear you scream at us, as you take a swipe at the pages, turning it over and destroying worlds in the process. We are just suggesting that maybe, just maybe, sometimes a character is made that is far too powerful – A character that surpasses most other characters within their respective universes. In today’s Top 10, we’re celebrating those whose powers know no bounds – At least potentially.

GeekOut Top 10s

“Too powerful? There’s no such thing!” I hear you scream at us, as you take a swipe at the pages, turning it over and destroying worlds in the process. We are just suggesting that maybe, just maybe, sometimes a character is made that is far too powerful – A character that surpasses most other characters within their respective universes. In today’s Top 10, we’re celebrating those whose powers know no bounds – At least potentially.

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