Top 10 – Kleptomaniacs

GeekOut Top 10s

A kleptomaniac is someone who can’t help themselves, but to steal. Nevermind stealing your heart, these individuals will just take what they see. Really, it doesn’t matter to them – they know they need it, no matter what it is. They just have to have it. Well then, we’re going to have to tread carefully and lock all of our valuables away. Indeed, we’d better nail this Top 10 down, as this week we’re keeping an eye out for our Top 10 Kleptomaniacs.

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Christmas Encounter Table

Some context: Every year I have run a Christmas themed game for one of my local gaming groups. The first one was supposed to be just a one shot, an overly dramatic story of a band of misfit toys who escape the island (really a peninsula), to return home, lead a revolt of the Candy Folk against the cruel tyranny of the Fey Lord Klaus and his wicked elven wild hunt, and reinstate Bannock, Gingerbread King of Candy Folk. And because I can’t control myself, this became an ongoing story, four years strong. This will be the first year since 2012 in which I have not done a Christmas game.

What can I say? I’ve felt rather uninspired in that regard and other projects are taking off rather nicely. So for now, the Dark God of Candy will have to wait to reclaim the world, here instead is an encounter table which sees a nondescript party of 4-6 Christmas themed adventurers level 2-4, wandering the frozen wilderness in an effort to evade Santa and his sadistic brood. It assumes information from the D&D 5th edition Players Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide.

Merry Christmas.

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Top 10 – Badly Decorated Places

GeekOut Top 10s

As we approach ever closer to Christmas Day, with it only being 16 days away now, our Top 10’s have become more Christmas themed once more. This week, as chosen by you, our fantastic audience, has been probably our hardest list in a very long time to compile. We had to come up with a definition of Badly Decorated… But here’s what we think.

With it coming up to Christmas, we settled on Badly Decorated as one of our choices, but we didn’t really think what that meant. At Christmas, we cover our houses in tinsel, fairy lights and so much more, but it’s not exactly a flattering look. It’s just a “Christmas-sy” look. As such, to us, badly decorated means that for the time we see the place, it has to either have unfitting objects, bad decorations or an abundance of just poor design.

Got it? Sweet! On to this week’s list! Continue reading “Top 10 – Badly Decorated Places”

10 Great Christmas Books

At this time of the year, people like to take time off work. They like to spend time with their family and to enjoy a nice glass of warm mulled wine. They like to play games, they like to catch up on a spot of reading. Join Timlah as we talk about 10 books that I really like to read around Christmas.

At this time of the year, people like to take time off work. They like to spend time with their family and to enjoy a nice glass of warm mulled wine. They like to play games, they like to catch up on a spot of reading. It’s precisely the right season to be jolly and to fill the mind with a lot of wondrous text – And that’s why you’re here, right audience?! Oh dear, I’ve lost you again haven’t I? Nevermind, for those of you who stuck around, here’s my favourite 10 books to read through the Christmas season.

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DMing 101 – Christmas

Welcome to the DMing 101 Christmas special! As part of the ongoing genre’s series, I’ll be offering some advice on how you can run a special game for your friends to make Christmas a bit more nerdy, just like I promised I would (aren’t I nice).

Advance warning: Part of this article espouses views about Christmas that may greatly contradict some people’s perspectives, I know it can be a touchy subject for some, so you have been warned.

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