Mobile Game Review – The Elder Scrolls: Blades

Ah The Elder Scrolls, it feels like I can’t go more than a couple of hours without booting up one of the franchise. I’m forever playing The Elder Scrolls Online, last year I 100% completed Skyrim and I’ve gone through Oblivion, Morrowind and even Arena. Yes, The Elder Scrolls is a franchise that I can’t pull myself away from. So occasionally, I turn to my mobile for a spot to get away from Bethesda and their affiliated partners, such as ZeniMax Online Studios. Let’s go to Google Play and install a new action game. Blades? That sounds fun… Oh no, it’s another title in the huge world of The Elder Scrolls and now it’s on mobile.

Ah The Elder Scrolls, it feels like I can’t go more than a couple of hours without booting up one of the franchise. I’m forever playing The Elder Scrolls Online, last year I 100% completed Skyrim and I’ve gone through Oblivion, Morrowind and even Arena. Yes, The Elder Scrolls is a franchise that I can’t pull myself away from. So occasionally, I turn to my mobile for a spot to get away from Bethesda and their affiliated partners, such as ZeniMax Online Studios. Let’s go to Google Play and install a new action game. Blades? That sounds fun… Oh no, it’s another title in the huge world of The Elder Scrolls and now it’s on mobile.

Continue reading “Mobile Game Review – The Elder Scrolls: Blades”

Why I Think Bethesda Smashed E3 2018

E3 is a massive specticle; a grand stage for all of the biggest of publishers and developers, showing off their hard work. Big conferences aren’t necessarily my thing, but all gamers are acutely attuned to E3. Love it or hate it, whether you think it does good or bad for the industry, it’s always a massive time of the year for gamers. It sets the pace for the rest of the year and first two quarters of the next – And this year, I think Bethesda said the most.

E3 is a massive specticle; a grand stage for all of the biggest of publishers and developers, showing off their hard work. Big conferences aren’t necessarily my thing, but all gamers are acutely attuned to E3. Love it or hate it, whether you think it does good or bad for the industry, it’s always a massive time of the year for gamers. It sets the pace for the rest of the year and first two quarters of the next – And this year, I think Bethesda said the most.

Continue reading “Why I Think Bethesda Smashed E3 2018”