Top 10 Fictional Scientific Failures

Science fiction and science in general; there is an abundance of media grounded in science. Whether it’s purely fictional science, aka nothing like the real thing, or a heavy dose of reality mixed in, there are successes and failures alike. With that in mind, today we’re going to look at our Top 10 Fictional Scientific Failures. Which of these do you know about and which of these are forgotten like the mistakes they were?

GeekOut Top 10s

Science fiction and science in general; there is an abundance of media grounded in science. Whether it’s purely fictional science, aka nothing like the real thing, or a heavy dose of reality mixed in, there are successes and failures alike. With that in mind, today we’re going to look at our Top 10 Fictional Scientific Failures. Which of these do you know about and which of these are forgotten like the mistakes they were?

Continue reading “Top 10 Fictional Scientific Failures”

Trick or Treat & Halloween

Last week, we warned you of the horror’s of All Hallows Eve, by telling you the tale of Ness and Paula as they encountered the pumpkin villain, the Trick or Trick Kid. But what happens when you’re offered the chance for a treat? What happens when someone says those three fateful words to you: Trick or Treat? After last weeks’ horrific tale, this week comes one even more frightful, as we dive deep into Rapture.

Last week, we warned you of the horror’s of All Hallows Eve, by telling you the tale of Ness and Paula as they encountered the pumpkin villain, the Trick or Trick Kid. But what happens when you’re offered the chance for a treat? What happens when someone says those three fateful words to you: Trick or Treat? After last weeks’ horrific tale, this week comes one even more frightful, as we dive deep into Rapture.

Continue reading “Trick or Treat & Halloween”

Top 10 – Amazing Places In Games

You’ve just completed an important chapter point in a game that’ll finally unlock a new region, the doorway opens wide, you step through the loading screen and then… wow!

The beauty of the virtual world is that it allows us to create such incredible vistas and panoramas that would be made utterly impossible by such constraints as geography, planning permission, and physics. Designers and artists have delved deep into what makes a world real, engaging, stunning, compelling, and have broken all the rules of login in order to create places that we will remember long after the distant memories of real places have faded into oblivion.

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You’ve just completed an important chapter point in a game that’ll finally unlock a new region, the doorway opens wide, you step through the loading screen and then… wow!

The beauty of the virtual world is that it allows us to create such incredible vistas and panoramas that would be made utterly impossible by such constraints as geography, planning permission, and physics. Designers and artists have delved deep into what makes a world real, engaging, stunning, compelling, and have broken all the rules of login in order to create places that we will remember long after the distant memories of real places have faded into oblivion.

I have seen the gardens of Paris, the Blue Mountains of Australia, the great lakes of Cumbria but no places have struck me with such awe as those dreamt in the minds of game designers. Welcome to the Top 10 awesome places in games. Continue reading “Top 10 – Amazing Places In Games”