The Changing Trends

We’re normal…

I’ll start that again.

By and large we’re more normal than we’d care to admit, just as prone to the same habits as those we’d refer to as “normal people”, just as susceptible to hype and we still tend to spawn a cycle of trends. It may not be clothing or music trends as such, but there is one field in which we dominate the culture… or maybe the field impacts us more deeply than others?

Couldn’t say, cause and effect is a bit fuzzy here. Here’s a retrospective on genres in film and television. Continue reading “The Changing Trends”

Super Films

Not all super-powered people are heroes, nor do they always jump out of the comics to make it to the big screen. Some of my favourite super-films and series are not based on the classic comics, and these are a gateway into a world of literature and graphic novels that’ll take you way off the beaten path. Marvel has gone blockbuster, and DC – bless them – keep trying, so lets take a look at a couple of the off-brand supers. Continue reading “Super Films”