Angry Video Game Nerd Halloween Specials

Most years, James Rolfe, also known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, puts out at least one Halloween Special and each time, they’re some of his most adventurous videos. They’re always amongst his most memorable, so I thought today I’d pay homage to The AVGN by sharing three of his Halloween Specials and talking briefly about them. I’m gonna take you back to the past (and present) – To watch some Video Game Reviews. Though as a forewarning, the Nerd’s content is Not Safe For Work! Okay, warned now? Let’s do this and drink plenty of beers and watch amusing videos.

Most years, James Rolfe, also known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, puts out at least one Halloween Special and each time, they’re some of his most adventurous videos. They’re always amongst his most memorable, so I thought today I’d pay homage to The AVGN by sharing three of his Halloween Specials and talking briefly about them. I’m gonna take you back to the past (and present) – To watch some Video Game Reviews. Though as a forewarning, the Nerd’s content is Not Safe For Work! Okay, warned now? Let’s do this and drink plenty of beers and watch amusing videos.

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Polybius – The urban legend bought to life

If you’ve read up on an arcade game called Polybius, you will find information about an arcade cabinet from 1981 that became an urban legend. It was apparently a crowdsourced psychology experiment that produced psychoactive and addictive effects. The legend also talks of men in black attending the cabinets, simply for the purpose of data-mining. The arcade cabinet is as rare as rare can be and there are rumours that only a few of the original cabinets exist; one of which is stored in Basingstoke. The James Rolfe, aka The Angry Video Game Nerd, did a piece on the legend too, so it has an interesting history.

If you’ve read up on an arcade game called Polybius, you will find information about an arcade cabinet from 1981 that became an urban legend. It was apparently a crowdsourced psychology experiment that produced psychoactive and addictive effects. The legend also talks of men in black attending the cabinets, simply for the purpose of data-mining. The arcade cabinet is as rare as rare can be and there are rumours that only a few of the original cabinets exist; one of which is stored in Basingstoke. James Rolfe, aka The Angry Video Game Nerd, did a piece on the legend too, so it has an interesting history.

Continue reading “Polybius – The urban legend bought to life”