Top 10 – Film Soundtracks

GeekOut Top 10s

Ah soundtracks, they’re like music to my ears… Well that’s because they are, as when you first sit down to a movie, it’s quite often that you’re assaulted by this wonderful collection of instruments and score. The composers often go by unappreciated in a film, but is it fair? In this Top 10, we’re looking at our personal favourite film soundtracks, some of which have been immortalised for a very long time. Put your headphones on, folks! Continue reading “Top 10 – Film Soundtracks”

Top 10 Festivals

Take to the streets you mad geeks! It’s a time of public celebration, wild revelry and dancing in the streets. Make your obeisance to Dionysus, Bibulous, and Xenagos, rattle your beads and show us your… sick dance moves. Here is our procession of festivals from fiction, parades and holidays that drive people out of their houses to join together and rejoice.

Take to the streets you mad geeks! It’s a time of public celebration, wild revelry and dancing in the streets. Make your obeisance to Dionysus, Bibulous, and Xenagos, rattle your beads and show us your… sick dance moves. Here is our procession of festivals from fiction, parades and holidays that drive people out of their houses to join together and rejoice.

Continue reading “Top 10 Festivals”