Top 10 Weaponised Toys

What was once a symbol of childish innocence and the joyous revelries of youth so easily turned into an engine of death. Perhaps by design, by mistake, by technology or by mysticism, there’s nothing quite so creepy as a toy turned deadly. Despite their cuddly and fun exterior, you wouldn’t want your kids playing with these…

GeekOut Top 10s

What was once a symbol of childish innocence and the joyous revelries of youth so easily turned into an engine of death. Perhaps by design, by mistake, by technology or by mysticism, there’s nothing quite so creepy as a toy turned deadly. Despite their cuddly and fun exterior, you wouldn’t want your kids playing with these…

Or would you?

Continue reading “Top 10 Weaponised Toys”

Top 10 Anime’s Most Over Powered

Some characters are just better than every other character, because reasons. Today then we prepare to dodge all of their attacks, as we list the Top 10 most overpowered characters in anime.

Super Sayians aren’t the only anime characters who can do some devastating things to whole planets. From the mere thought of seeing ladies undergarments to firing out small chips of bone that can kill a man, there are characters out there that are just so powerful, we don’t even know where to begin to explain how to comprehend them. But not all is bad, as today we’re going to look at the Top 10 Anime’s Most Over Powered. By this, we mean specific characters who are just insanely overpowered in terms of their universes and perhaps even other anime universes too.

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Top 10

10) Bertolt Hoover – Attack on Titan

Bertolt is relatively stale when he’s not displaying his actual power. He’s a graduate of the 104th Trainees Squad and he ranked 3rd. So you know, he’s got something going for him, but he’s not particularly special in this regard. Good, but just good.

Oh did we mention that he can turn into a Titan who dwarves other Titans!? Supposedly a 60 foot monstrosity who can take out other Titans easily enough. It begs the question: where’s the fun when you can be a more powerful version of the enemy you’re aiming to beat? Still, we love the fact this quiet, shy man can turn into such a massive Titan who is able to control his body and not hurt his allies in the process. Good job, Bertolt!

9) Guts – Berserk

Guts is a normal enough guy. No special powers except well honed strength and combat reflexes faster than even his own brain can keep up with, he can swing a sword the weight of a tree with instinctual speed and well trained grace and precision. Does that make him OP?

Over time Guts has earned respect enough from the God of the Battlefield – Nosferatu Zodd – that he casually threw him a spare sword before a major fight. The introduction to the Anime shows a future long after the series ends and the Manga picks up, showing the Black Swordsman he would eventually become, with a canon replacing his arm, and he later gains the Berserker armour that unlocks the full potential of the wearer’s muscles, at the risk of destroying themselves in the process. Seeing Guts in that armour is enough to make Zodd show fear.

Guts is horrendously mortal, but amongst mundane, normal, workaday human beings he is the most legendary, and goes on to fight untold monsters, name forgotten, only the death he brings.

8) Alucard – Hellsing

Alucard has a bit of a Mary-Sue issue because he can basically do everything. He’s a true immortal, able to regrow his entire body from the smallest fragment; can dual wield pistols with the force of anti-tank weapons; can turn into an amorphous demon-hound that simply devours everything in its’ path; and also contains within his own body an army of every soul he has devoured. Bearing in mind that he is Vlad the Impaler, that covers soldiers from many centuries, and monster-hunting villains that he has swallowed whole in the past.

What brings Alucard down is that he’s generally bored by the squabbling of all the little creatures squirming beneath him and only wants a good fight and to protect his master and train up his new little monster Seras Victoria. But damn if he doesn’t look cool while he’s utterly ignoring everything that’s going on around him.

7) Haruhi Suzumiya


Though far from normal, Haruhi Suzumiya gives a great impression of being an overly eccentric, demanding and enthusiastic high-school student who commits to the weirdest projects to help everyone stave off boredom, to shake up the status quo as it were. She’s a happy go lucky soul with a band of rather begrudging friends trailing along behind her.

And if she ever gets too bored she might realize that she’s a god-like being that will immediately become aware of its’ immense power, lose control over it and unravel time and space itself, thus ending causality. All in all, a pretty embarrassing rock-band incident seems like suitable payoff. Haruhi gets a spot on the list for requiring aliens, time travellers and espers to keep an eye on her lest she bring about the end of everything, and for starting a religion.

6) Aang – Avatar


So Aang is a pretty cool kid, that’s a fact. Not only is he the last airbender, but even when all of the air-nomad temples were full he was one of the best. He spent a century frozen in ice and came out swinging, and he’s a master of all four of the classic elements. How does a twelve year old pull that kind of trick? He’s the host to countless others before him who could do the same, each pouring their power into his, combined with (as we discover later in the Legend of Korra) the soul of all life and peace in the living world, Raava!

Aang is awesome, it’s as simple as that. He was also one of the only Avatars to learn the unified final bending form, the power to bend another human’s soul, and with it the power to remove any bending ability they might possess. In the Avatar state he can condense stone to be tough as metal, fly at supersonic speeds, generate lightning, and bend anything within a half mile with pinpoint precision and immense power. More to the point, he can quell the urge to do so thanks to his own impenetrable sense of justice and mercy. Good job kid, Fire Lord Ozai deserved a damn-sight worse than what you gave him! That’s real power right there.

5) Anyone – JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure


Now JoJo fans may disagree with me on this one and that’s completely understandable. I’ve not fully gotten my head around all of the incredibly powerful JoJo’s characters out there, but the reason this is the mid-way choice of characters is that the whole of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure seems to revolve around the insanely powerful and incredible Stands.

I originally wanted the Gold Experience Requiem Stand to be the flagchoice, but we’ve specifically said anime and to my knowledge, Giorno has not been in the anime as of yet. However let’s not get too worked up about all this – Joseph, pictured above, is pretty powerful in his own right and heck, he’s the main protagonist of Part II, is important in Part III and is even a character in Part IV. He’s a super recurring character and in terms of the anime, so let us know in the comments below who your pick for the most overpowered JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure anime character is. We just can’t decide.

4) Eliza Faust – Shaman King


Right, so let me tell you a quick thing about Oversouls in Shaman King.

An Over Soul is the most powerful control over Furyoku, known to us English speakers as Mana. Basically, you take your Spirit companion, let’s say Yoh’s Spirit: Amidamaru. You then allow him to possess a physical weapon, so let’s say Yoh’s Harusame (sword). The result is an Over Soul. These cannot be damaged by anything physical, but only other Over Souls can damage these. Hopefully this has made sense!

Now, let’s take Eliza Faust into the equation. She is not an object (how dare you imply such things), but instead she’s a skeleton… And she’s Faust VIII’s spirit. She’s a skeleton. Yes, his spirit is actually a skeleton and let me tell you – She’s close enough to being invincible thanks to the power of necromancy. In fact, from remembering the series, Faust was the only opponent Yoh had that I felt could have legitimately done away with Yoh, except for Hao. If only love weren’t so blind.

3) Zaraki Kenpachi – Bleach

In Bleach, Shingami (the soul reapers) wield swords that are part of their souls. They can unlock a true form – Shikai, which reflects their personality and power; and a full form – Bankai, available only to the most incredibly powerful and ancient Shinigami, the commanders of the 13 squads of soul society, and intensely, apocalyptically powerful. Shinigami can also utilize the power of their soul – Reiatsu, to create spell like effects that can blast, bind or deceive opponents.

Zaraki Kenpachi has never unlocked Shikai, can’t control his reiatsu even a little bit, and is the commander of the 11th squad, the hardest, strongest, most fanatically combatant of all the Shinigami. He wears an eyepatch that not only impedes his vision, but devours vast amounts of his spiritual power, and wears bells in his hair so that he can’t sneak up on anyone.

Because it’s the only way fighting world-ending monsters can be fun for him. The protagonist, Ichigo, split a mountain with a flicker of his arm when he was at the height of his power, and didn’t make the list.

2) Adam Blade – Needless


The most unnecessary anime ever made has a vast army of characters who are preposterously powerful. Fireballs the size of mountains? Sure. The power to increase and decrease the effect of gravity on something? Hey, knock yourself out. I want my character to make rain with the power of lasers! Ahh go on then you little scamp!

So the most powerful ability of all? How about the power to copy them all! To memorize absolutely every single power and use them whenever, doesn’t even matter. Adam Blade has a clone who can use the same power, “Zero” to even greater effect, “Positive Feedback Zero!” Doesn’t matter, that guy’s falling apart at the seams, and Adam is a mental case who can destroy whatever he pleases.

In fact Adam’s greatest power is that the story is always on his side, Needless is not an anime for those in need of deep cerebral involvement. His greatest weakness is cute girls, so his immense power is easily diffused… but he’ll fight so much harder to protect an adorable face!

1) Whis – Dragon Ball


I hate to use such a vague character as the most overpowered, but even the creator of the series has confirmed the amount of power this guy has. Let’s just say this: the most powerful foe that Goku has faced to date is arguably Beerus. On the power scales of a scale of 1 to 10, Akira Toriyama assigned the powers as Whis not just breaking the scale, but being 1.5 times more powerful than the most powerful entity in the universe (Beerus).

The most positive message to take out of all of this: If Goku in a Super Saiyan God form cannot defeat Beerus, then that gives Goku something to work towards in the future. Eventually, maybe he’ll get to fight Whis when we’re not playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse? Heck, even in that, Whis doesn’t really lose. He just gets bored of you.

Honourable Mentions

Hercule/Mr Satan – DragonBall Z


Specifically from the Z saga, would you believe that Mr Satan was the strongest human ever? Did you know he beat Cell?!

Well actually, this blubbering buffoon didn’t do anything like that. In fact, he was rather lame. But it doesn’t change that in the books, he’s defeated some of the most powerful foes. Humans world wide are aware that Hercule defeated the incredibly powerful Cell. Not only that, he managed to take on the newcomer Android 18 to win a tournament. With his Super Megaton Punch with a Delayed Reaction, which he had been perfecting for 10 years.

Never change, Mr Satan.

Principal – Nichijou

Hits the German Suplex on a deer. He is in a losing battle against one ferocious competitor, the deer, who he needs to remove from campus. We can’t be having a stinkin’ deer on school grounds now can we!? He gets smacked around, is even dangerously close to death himself. From losing all that blood, to doing moonsaults and the old offer a deer biscuit trip, the Principal seems like he’s going to fall to his competition. Then, from outta nowhere, he hits his German Suplex which was so perfect, so pristine, that his hair seemingly cannot cope with the amount of awesome it’s been put through.

My work here is done.

That’s all we’ve got time for in this weeks Top 10. Did you find the characters to be pretty damn overpowered? What do you all think about the strange inclusion of characters such as Eliza, who isn’t overpowered in terms of how long she’s able to be maintained for, but in terms of a character we felt she actually was. So then, let us know in the comments what you thought about our choice of overpowered characters. Did we miss any? We know we did.

Don’t forget to vote for next weeks’ Top 10, where we’ve got some crazy choices for you this week! Let us know in the comments below, or over on Facebook or Twitter what you liked or disliked about this weeks article.