Top 10 – Elves

GeekOut Top 10s

Elves are a strange category to cover, when you think about how much difference there is between the term. Some people just see the pointy ears and immediately call them an elf. Other people believe there must be some innate magical property in order for them to be elves. Whatever you believe, today we’re going to look at our Top 10 Elves in film, literature, video games and more. Continue reading “Top 10 – Elves”

Top 10 Half Breeds

When we came up with Half Breeds to put on the list, we didn’t expect it to be a quick and easy one – So we decided we would do something a little bit different. When this one came up as our second most voted from two weeks ago, we knew we could have an actual physical discussion with some fellow geeks. We were at Kitacon this past week; which was a perfect way to get some of our fellow geeks to get their voices heard.

Read on to find out more!

GeekOut Top 10s

When we came up with Half Breeds to put on the list, we didn’t expect it to be a quick and easy one – So we decided we would do something a little bit different. When this one came up as our second most voted from two weeks ago, we knew we could have an actual physical discussion with some fellow geeks. We were at Kitacon this past week; which was a perfect way to get some of our fellow geeks to get their voices heard.

Stay tuned to the GeekOut YouTube channel, as next week you’ll get a glimpse of our ridiculous behind the scenes process in the first and possibly last recorded Top 10. It was great fun, we had some great discussion and we feel we have a nicely rounded list. Be sure to subscribe, because we’d love to share some of the fun we have in creating our lists with you. In the mean time, here’s the product of our efforts, in the Top 10 half-breeds! Continue reading “Top 10 Half Breeds”

GeekOut Bristol Meet – August 12th: TALKING TOLKIEN

J.R.R Tolkien was a wordsmith whose worlds have captured our imaginations for years; a writer whose works got three massive movies, before three more slightly-big-but-not-quite-the-same-as-the-first-three movies. An expert who creates a fantasy world unlike any other.

So whether you’re coming along as you want to just play some games, or if you feel like having a social meet after your Elevenses, it’s time for another exciting GeekOut Bristol Meet!

18+ Event

J.R.R Tolkien was a wordsmith whose worlds have captured our imaginations for years; a writer whose works got three massive movies, before three more slightly-big-but-not-quite-the-same-as-the-first-three movies. An expert who creates a fantasy world unlike any other.

So whether you’re coming along as you want to just play some games, or if you feel like having a social meet after your Elevenses, it’s time for another exciting GeekOut Bristol Meet!

Continue reading “GeekOut Bristol Meet – August 12th: TALKING TOLKIEN”