Top 10 Monsters in the Snow

Well the weather outside was briefly frightful, but there’s worse waiting out in the snow than slippery roads and cold feet. Every flurry hides a horror that waits to prey upon the uncertain and the weak, every snowdrift has teeth that threaten to sink through thick coats and into nice warm flesh. So this festive season, let’s focus on the scariest part of winter, the beasts that haunt the tundra, and frozen places.

Here are our Top 10 monsters that wait for you out there in the snow.

GeekOut Top 10s

Well the weather outside was briefly frightful, but there’s worse waiting out in the snow than slippery roads and cold feet. Every flurry hides a horror that waits to prey upon the uncertain and the weak, every snowdrift has teeth that threaten to sink through thick coats and into nice warm flesh. So this festive season, let’s focus on the scariest part of winter, the beasts that haunt the tundra, and frozen places.

Here are our Top 10 monsters that wait for you out there in the snow.

Continue reading “Top 10 Monsters in the Snow”

Top 10 ‘Useless’ Protagonists

You left us with a real tough challenge this week; You chose the Top 10 Useless Protagonists. When we really dissected the name, we realised that the term useless is pretty strong to apply to anyone. Also, to consider a protagonist useless is an even harder concept, as when you consider the purpose of a protagonist, it’s simply to get the story from A to B, via means of a character that you rally behind. So, be prepared for a bit of a wordy Top 10 this week!

GeekOut Top 10s

You left us with a real tough challenge this week; You chose the Top 10 Useless Protagonists. When we really dissected the name, we realised that the term useless is pretty strong to apply to anyone. Also, to consider a protagonist useless is an even harder concept, as when you consider the purpose of a protagonist, it’s simply to get the story from A to B, via means of a character that you rally behind. Therefore, it’s got to be a main character, which automatically removes candidates such as Yamcha (Sorry, at no point has he been a main character).

Now that we’ve discussed what the protagonist element of this Top 10 is, it’s time to dissect the useless element. To be useless means you are without any use… In other words, to say a protagonist is useless is primarily a useless endeavour (at least, in most cases). With this said, useless is very similar to inept… Which is way more defined a concept. As such, we’re going for a Top 10 Useless Protagonists, but we’ll often dip into the inept. Rules for this list out of the way with, let’s get on with it!

Top 10

10) Vault Hunters – Borderlands


The lowest entry to our list because, let’s face it here, Mordecai, Lillith, Roland and Brick aren’t exactly good for nothing. They help accelerate the plans of Atlas’ Commandant Steele by locating pieces of vault key, and there’s all of the sequel material in which they are pretty damn pivotal. But there’s two major points against their overall effectiveness on the story here.

1 – They show up at The Vault they’ve been hunting for just to discover Atlas already found it. The Vault opens up and the contents immediately kill the major villain who you’ve been failing to thwart all game.

2 – The whole thing was Handsome Jack’s plan! Start to finish, with Angel’s guiding hand, the Vault Hunters have been enacting the will of the biggest bad in the galaxy.

Well done folks, still feel like a hero? Good job there’s a new cast for Borderlands 2, they might actually accomplish something.

9) Guybrush Threepwood – Monkey Island


Guybrush Threepwood is well and truly a mighty pirate… Or at least, that’s what he keeps introducing himself as. See, Guybrush really is less of a mighty pirate and more of a mighty pirate fantasiser. I mean, he manages to put a ring on the finger on Elaine Marley, so he’s got something going for him, but he manages to always cause some insane blunders which means he needs to get out there and… Uh… Plunder, I guess. Guybrush really isn’t your stereotypical main character, which is why so many people loved him and still do to this day. But unlike his advasary, the ghost pirate LeChuck, he really is nothing special.

He’s a low lister on this list, as he does manage to accomplish just about whatever he sets his mind to… But Guybrush, although not truly useless, certainly falls under the category of the inept protagonist. He’s someone who basically does stuff and that’s great. It’s not really like he thinks about the grand scheme of things, or why things happen the way they do. A prime example is in LeChucks ship at the start of the game The Curse of Monkey Island. Oh sure, he manags to escape alright, but he only does so because he winds an old friend up to the point of reducing the man to tears, then blows up some skeletal pirates, breaks the cord keeping the cannon secure and boom – The cannon is fired one more time and he blows up the whole god damned ship in the process. I don’t think he really thought about his safety there, or even what the hell he was doing. Still, a success nevertheless.

8) The Kid – Little Inferno


It’s so very cold outside, so stay sat in front of your very own fireplace and burn your useless old belongings to keep warm. And so you do, as a young boy with his brand new Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace by Tomorrow Corp you sit unmoving, immolating stuffed toys, wooden soldiers, and play with a miniature universe as the entire world about you dies.

The girl next door dies, she tells you all about it in her upbeat letters, while you sit there burning stuff. She sends you gifts, you just burn them. Your house is destroyed, and all you can do is go and ask what to do now, before being picked up by the Weather Man and whisked off to somewhere new.

Don’t get me wrong, Little Inferno is a work of art, but damn that kid! He was beyond hopeless.

7) Marty McFly – Back To The Future


Okay so get this… We’re led to believe that one of the major characters of Back to the Future is… Doc Brown?!

All jokes aside, Marty McFly really isn’t all that special, yet he’s treated with a lot of respect. Interestingly, we only thought about Marty McFly, as we almost inducted Morty from Rick & Morty… However, as that show literally explains, the stupid brain waves of Morty are used to disguise the genius brainwaves of Rick. Needless to say, that’s a pretty big power, so Rick keeps him around for this very purpose. Meanwhile, Marty likes to ride skateboards, plays the guitar and plays lots of video games.

Sure, we don’t disapprove of the youngsters lifestyle, but for crying out loud! Just because he played a lot of video games does not make him good at shooting a gun! If anything,

6) Billy – The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy#


Probably the biggest idiot on this list is our dear child friend, Billy. He’s definitely nothing special and you’d certainly not expect the Grim Reaper to literally be bound to be this kids friend for all eternity… But that’s just how it goes when the sister of dear Billy is Mandy, the evil and manipulative little girl that she is. Conversely, Billy has a heart of gold, but thankfully that’s not literal as otherwise people would try to kill him for his heart alone.

Nevermind, Billy doesn’t have any powers and it’s infuriating. He is obscenely gross though, so he has that going for him? Ah, boys can be so, so icky…

5) Charlie – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Source: The Independent

Here’s a kid who earns a factory by being less lousy than a bunch of other kids who were randomly selected by their unrelenting devotion to one of the least healthy foodstuffs in existence.

Really need I say more on the matter? It’s not like Charlie doesn’t succumb to temptation like the others, he just manages to wriggle his way out of it without the need for a song, dance, and a gang of Oompa Loompa’s with a wheelbarrow. His most defining action is giving back his gobstopper.

That’s just in the Gene Wilder version, in the more recent (worse, but not all that bad if we’re honest) version he basically just talks to Wonka until the Mad Chocolatier has enough flashbacks for his daddy issues to be resolved.

4) Flute Cop – Axe Cop

flute_copAlright, so you have a flute.

When Axe Cop found the perfect axe at the scene of the fire he became the greatest Good Guy of this or any other world, the pinnacle of the arc of destiny that would send him into a legendary career of decapitating Bad Guys from the back of his mighty T-Rex, Wexter. In his mission he has many friends and allies: Grey Diamond, Sockarang, Liborg, Uni-Baby, and his closest partner in fighting crime, side-kick, brother, Flute Cop!

That’s a guy with a flute. At one point he was an avocado with a unicorn horn and he was vastly more impressive but that flute does, basically nothing. He’s a great sounding board, a humourous straight-guy to Axe Cop’s comedy, but in a world of evil moons and rabbits who break all the rules, a flute ain’t doing much for anyone.

3) Twoflower – Discworld


Ah, Twoflower. The little tourist hailing from the Counterweight continent, bane of Rincewind’s peace and wellbeing, living danger-magnet in a hawaiian shirt if such a place as Hawaii existed on the Disc. Our intrepid adventurer comes equipped with camera, phrasebook, general obliviousness to his surroundings and the most deadly travel accessory known to man.

The put upon Wizzard is swept into interesting times, watching in horror as danger from all corners narrowly misses Twoflower and instead has a stab at him. The eldritch terror Bel Shamharoth, the cruel dragonlords of the Wyrmberg and C.M.O.T Dibbler’s sausage inna bun, Twoflower survives more by blind luck than any design or aptitude. His antics inadvertently start a revolution back home, for which he is jailed, and once again saved by providence and is landed one of the highest ranks in his nation’s government.

Not bad for an insurance salesman on holiday.

2) Mario


Yes Mario is on this list and he’s all the way up at number two! It’s hard to believe that this really rather well known hero could end up on this list, but you need to understand something here… Mario, in the main games, is supposed to be a plumber. He’s never done actual plumbing in a game. No, going down pipes does not count as plumbing, would you please just stop it. No, plumbing isn’t going inside of Bowser either. How rude…

But nevertheless, Mario is super successful at being the hero, even though he’s actually genuinely useless at his supposed profession of choice. I bet he just calls himself a plumber so that way he has an easy time explaining what he does to the locals.

‘So, what do you do?’ asked Toad.

‘Uh, it’s a me, Mario theeeeee…’ Mario paused, struggling to find anything adequate to explain his employment status. Suddenly, he heard a flush, ‘… Plumber!’

Suddenly, a large beast with a spiky turtle shell on his back known only as Bowser comes out from the restroom. ‘Oi, red hat. You a plumber? Good. You’re needed in there.’

And to this day on, Mario became the sworn enemy of Bowser.

Ah, toilet humour.

1) Daphne – Scooby Doo


Daphne is one of the ‘gang’ in Scooby Doo and she’s an iconic character from the series. This isn’t the first time we’ve included a character from the Hanna-Barbera Productions classic on our Top 10 lists, so we’re glad to get another one in. Daphne is instantly recognisable with her red hair, blue top and green scarf. She’s not dumb, but she’s certainly far from any of the more useful characters on the show.

She has no qualities which makes her of any true use. You could argue that Shaggy also has a similar fate, but between the two, Daphne has even less use in that she often does just act as a damsel in distress. See, whilst Fred generally has the plan and Velma has the ideas to make it happen, we’re left with three characters: Shaggy, Scooby and Daphne. Whilst Shaggy might have his off moments, he certainly makes up for it with some uncanny bravery for a scaredy cat. He usually will act as bait for the baddies. Scooby helps, by being a dog he brings some useful skills, especially when he’s being rewarded… But Daphne’s just Daphne… God damn she is so useless in this show.

Honourable Mentions

Some characters are simply and utterly rubbish at what they do… And these are two more characters that deserve to be mentioned on our Top 10 Inept Useless Protagonists list.

Detective Inspector Joseph Chandler – Whitechapel


Ok, I feel a little bad for this one. DI Chandler is a good detective and a good cop. In every season of Whitechapel he solves the crime in just enough time for things to get good and dramatic, despite his ever clashing team, crippling OCD, and the sheer terror of the horror-themed criminals that Whitechapel pitches against him.

But there’s one major problem. It seems there’s a curse upon poor Chandler, as he’s never yet managed to bring a single killer to court. The New Ripper, the Copy-Krays, the Bogeyman, the Witchhunter, the Flayer, every single one has died in bizarre circumstances just as the team have them bang-to-rights. Had the show been renewed for one more season, the one it richly deserved, we may have discovered why every criminal they uncovered died before being brought to justice.

Lan Hikari – Mega Man Battle Network


Lan Hikari really is far from useless, as he’s managed to save the world from some evil viruses and programs. If you’re uninitiated, Lan Hikari is from the Battle Network series of Mega Man, which also had it’s own anime. In the anime, Lan is viewed as a plucky, eager and energetic kid who has a great heart. In the games he’s viewed as much too… And his partner in digital virus busting is the titular Mega Man. Pretty impressive that he can control Mega so easily…

Except at the start of every game in this franchise, he manages to forget everything he’s done. He goes so far, that he forgets even how to bust viruses at the start of every single one of the games in the franchise and has to be re-taught how to do it! It’s a little insane – and whilst I respect the fact gamers need to be taught how to play the game (especially when there’s new features, or if you’re new to the game), the fact it so bluntly tells you “THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT!” is a little over the top.

We’re now absolutely fed up of these characters getting so much glory, when they effectively add nothing to the story. It’s time for us to put this list to rest and tell these characters to get back to what they do best, which isn’t much really, but at least we’re being honest about these things here. While we wait for these useless ones to get out of here, help us decide what Top 10 we cover next week. We never said we weren’t useless at making up our minds..!

That’s it for this week, from Daphne to Twoflower, we’ve covered some pretty useless and inept characters indeed. But what did you make of our list this time? Did our reasoning of including ‘inept’ characters resonate with you, or do you think that made this list too easy? What about the order of our list? As always, let us know what you think in the comments below, or over on Facebook, Twitter or Reddit.

Top 10 Fireplaces

Ah, the weather outside is frightful and these fires are so delightful. There’s simply no place to go, so let’s make another Top 10 list for all of you wonderful people. Yes, we’re back once more and this week, it’s our Winter themed list on fireplaces. You chose this list, not us, so we’ve had to seriously think about what constituted a good fireplace from a bad fireplace. Be it the tiling and brickwork, or the fire itself, whatever the reason, it had to keep us warm.

Ah, the weather outside is frightful and these fires are so delightful. There’s simply no place to go, so let’s make another Top 10 list for all of you wonderful people. Yes, we’re back once more and this week, it’s our Winter themed list on fireplaces. You chose this list, not us, so we’ve had to seriously think about what constituted a good fireplace from a bad fireplace. Be it the tiling and brickwork, or the fire itself, whatever the reason, it had to keep us warm.

Our idea was that we didn’t have to specifically limit to very specific fireplaces, as otherwise, this might get old real fast… Instead, we’ve thought long and hard and devised a list. We’ve checked it twice, now let’s see which of these fireplaces are naughty and nice. Put up your feet, keep comfy and warm, as we go through our Top 10 Fireplaces.

Continue reading “Top 10 Fireplaces”

Little Inferno – Burn all the things (Except that)!!!

Windows; OS X; Linux; Steam; Nintendo Wii U; iOS; Android; Official website.
Price (As of March 2014): Steam price (£6.99); Official website ($10.00); Wii U price ($9.99); iOS price (£2.99); Android price ($2.99).
Little Inferno is a game where you are given free reign to buy the things, then burn the things. That’s right, this is a game that lets you buy all the things, then burn all the things. This sounds like it could be fun!

One thing you might notice about Little Inferno already, is the beautifully rendered looking imagery. That’s because, this is game is as High Definition as a HD game should be. This does make a difference in this game, trust me.


Simple, clean. Nice!
Simple, clean. Nice!

So with all this being said and done, we can tell simply from the first screen/main menu here that there’s not much in terms of choices for the game play. In fact, you simply just play. That’s always good, as after all, a classic such as Pac-Man never gave you much choice bar “1 Player” and “2 Player”! I believe there was no options at all within the game. Mind you, this is a very light game that basically all systems can play.


The world is very cold outside, in fact you cannot get outside because of how cold it is. Oddly enough, there’s always Tomorrow Corporation who are promising to keep you entertained with your new Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace! From their vast catalogues of items, you can buy more and more items to fuel your Little Inferno.

This is the first of many catalogues you get access to.
This is the first of many catalogues you get access to.

You’re given a few gifts to burn to begin with and your little game of Little Inferno rewards you with a little cash.

Burning things and getting paid for it, sounds like a great game and life, right?

Some items are more interactive. Hey, the picture in game gives me deja vu!
Some items are more interactive. Hey, the picture in game gives me deja vu!

But things aren’t quite so normal in the world of Little Inferno. No, there are secret combinations waiting for you to watch and people who want to talk to you and collaborate, communicate and cause conflagration! No, really. But you can’t meet these people. It’s all rather sad as you’re cooped up indoors; buying items for and playing with your Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace.

To progress through the game, you receive communication with a few key characters, such as the little girl and the people who run Tomorrow Corporation.



So graphically, this game is beautiful, which can be continued into the animations. It’s a little bit, shall we say, Burton-esque in looks (Which is the second time I’ve said that about a game. Huh.) With all this said and done, however, Little Inferno is visually very fascinating. There’s something about watching your virtual fireplace and making things burn that just makes this a truly surreal, yet highly enjoyable experience.

This Fire Burns - What an apt song for now!
This Fire Burns – What an apt song for now!

I know whenever I look back at this game, I always get a warm feeling. Yes, because it’s a fireplace. It just feels cosy to me.



The whole way through, the music and sounds in this game are very homely, except for the times you’re burning crazy stuff.

All of the sounds are wonderfully imagined and make you think you are definitely burning the things that are burning in front of you. The little burning sounds are a joy to the ear, as the flames merrily leap around the screen.

One thing I would say irked me somewhat was the sound of reading letters. It just felt too cheesy, but this could be because I associate it with a character that I’m not a big fan of.

I found this character grating.
I found this character grating.


All in all

Why won't she leave me alone!?
Why won’t she leave me alone!?

So this game is full of great, easy listening music that fits the games theme.

It’s “creepy” in style and the animations are absolutely spot on. The story is good, but, something bothers me about this game at the same time.

4/5 for this game from me.

Whilst this game is technically sound and it’s actually really quite a pleasant experience to play through, I can’t help but shake the feeling that this game is just another game like Achievement Unlocked. This isn’t to say this isn’t a fun game, as it is great fun.

You simply need to unlock COMBOs to progress in this game.
You simply need to unlock COMBOs to progress in this game.

Just the fact this game is all about unlocking achievements and following what people in the game say, there isn’t much freedom. You can enjoy as many funny little combinations of burning things as you like, but I’ll admit – Even I could grow tired of burning virtual objects.

Pity, too. I never thought that was possible… Now, if only someone get me some of these objects and a Little Inferno Entertainment Fireplace in the real world!