Top 10 Dogs

Dogs – We love dogs for how loyal they are to us humans. So whether you’re the type of person who likes to boop a puppers snoot, or if you’re the type to have a faithful companion, then this Top 10 is for you. We’ll look at dogs in all manners of geek media, so without any further delay, here are our Top 10 Dogs:

GeekOut Top 10s

Bow-wow, bark! Woof, woof. Uh. Wag. I dunno.

Dogs – We love dogs for how loyal they are to us humans. So whether you’re the type of person who likes to boop a puppers snoot, or if you’re the type to have a faithful companion, then this Top 10 is for you. We’ll look at dogs in all manners of geek media, so without any further delay, here are our Top 10 Dogs:

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Top 10 Mythological Creatures

A mythological creature here is defined as something you would see within myths, that wasn’t a unique myth. An example of a unique myths includes Anubis, the god of embalming and the dead. With that definition out of the way, it’s time to begin – but before we do, we have a pre-top 10 honourable omission to get out there…

For the first time in a few months, Joel and I decided to bring back our Top 10’s. So we didn’t want to come back and do things in our usual way. No, we wanted to out-do ourselves by going for a topic that was just so big, it had to be larger than life. We thought long and hard about what to do on the return to Top 10’s and this is what we came up with, our Top 10 Mythological Creatures.

Before we start this post, let us get one thing out of the way with. A mythological creature here is defined as something you would see within myths, that wasn’t a unique myth. An example of a unique myths includes Anubis, the god of embalming and the dead. With that definition out of the way, it’s time to begin – but before we do, we have a pre-top 10 honourable omission to get out there…

Continue reading “Top 10 Mythological Creatures”