Angry Video Game Nerd Halloween Specials

Most years, James Rolfe, also known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, puts out at least one Halloween Special and each time, they’re some of his most adventurous videos. They’re always amongst his most memorable, so I thought today I’d pay homage to The AVGN by sharing three of his Halloween Specials and talking briefly about them. I’m gonna take you back to the past (and present) – To watch some Video Game Reviews. Though as a forewarning, the Nerd’s content is Not Safe For Work! Okay, warned now? Let’s do this and drink plenty of beers and watch amusing videos.

Most years, James Rolfe, also known as the Angry Video Game Nerd, puts out at least one Halloween Special and each time, they’re some of his most adventurous videos. They’re always amongst his most memorable, so I thought today I’d pay homage to The AVGN by sharing three of his Halloween Specials and talking briefly about them. I’m gonna take you back to the past (and present) – To watch some Video Game Reviews. Though as a forewarning, the Nerd’s content is Not Safe For Work! Okay, warned now? Let’s do this and drink plenty of beers and watch amusing videos.

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Video Editing as a Profession

Video editing is a profession that seems to not get a lot of credit, as it’s often substituted in thought by running a YouTube channel, or the processes behind directing a film. The profession of video editing is one of those that is often overlooked, even though it creates some of the greatest moments on screen. Whether or not you’re a fan of videographers, you can’t help but enjoy their craft. But what exactly does it take to do video editing as a full time profession? What type of training and equipment is required? Today, we explore this fascinating profession.

Video editing is a profession that seems to not get a lot of credit, as it’s often substituted in thought by running a YouTube channel, or the processes behind directing a film. The profession of video editing is one of those that is often overlooked, even though it creates some of the greatest moments on screen. Whether or not you’re a fan of videographers, you can’t help but enjoy their craft. But what exactly does it take to do video editing as a full time profession? What type of training and equipment is required? Today, we explore this fascinating profession.

Continue reading “Video Editing as a Profession”