Top 10 Magical Rides

Sit the saddle, fasten your seatbelts, and remember the magic word, we’re about to travel by ways and means that science would keep from us. Thankfully, we have magic on our side to make the going easier, faster, and way cooler than any lame road-bound car or some stupid horse…

Actually horses are ok, but this is a list of magical rides, magical horses from here only, and only if they are worthy of our rigorous Top 10 standards.

GeekOut Top 10s

Sit the saddle, fasten your seatbelts, and remember the magic word, we’re about to travel by ways and means that science would keep from us. Thankfully, we have magic on our side to make the going easier, faster, and way cooler than any lame road-bound car or some stupid horse…

Actually horses are ok, but this is a list of magical rides, magical horses from here only, and only if they are worthy of our rigorous Top 10 standards.

Continue reading “Top 10 Magical Rides”

Top 10 – Complex Protagonists

GeekOut Top 10s

By way of varying circumstances, these characters are all uniquely complex. They are all the protagonists of their stories, letting you follow them and their journeys. They may not always fight for the right reasons, but this is precisely why we love them. They represent a mixed bag of philosophies, fighting styles, thought patterns and more. Today, we’re celebrating our Top 10 Complex Protagonists. Continue reading “Top 10 – Complex Protagonists”

Remaking a Classic – Dragons

I’m afraid I have to put my foot down on this one. While the legend of dragons has many variations in terms of size, shape, intelligence, and powers, a dragon has six limbs! Four legs, two wings. Sorry Skyrim and Game of Thrones, but if the forelimbs are the wings you have a wyvern, no matter what it’s capable of.

With that solitary distinction in mind, let us take the classic fire-breathing, sky-borne terror and shake it up a bit. Continue reading “Remaking a Classic – Dragons”

Dragon Hunters

How to Train Your Dragon (2010) is an excellent film, of that there can be no doubt. The vikings vs. dragons set up would have been excellent in itself, but the original books (of the same name by Cressida Cowell) present a world filled with a Monster Manual style variety of dragons to pick and choose from, creating a far richer environment. The story is filled with deep characters with fully realized personalities, and the dragons themselves are amazingly expressive. All told it’s little wonder that the film has earned two sequels and some pretty lucrative merchandising deals.

It’s far from the first film about dragons, although it’s certainly the most successful film series about them, but I stumbled across a particularly enjoyable little animated title that was released a couple of years before HTTYD came out. Continue reading “Dragon Hunters”