Cartoon Network Shows I Grew Up With

Cartoon Network was a staple of British childrens television in the 90’s and early 00’s. Founded in 1994, Cartoon Network quickly became the go-to channel for all cool kids shows, with the only real rival being Nickelodeon. YouTube wasn’t around, Google was still a small idea, with search engines like AskJeeves and even Yahoo! being relatively comparible. As such, as a 90’s kid in the UK, you typically didn’t have a lot of channels to choose from, but rather just a few main ones. Growing up, a lot of the cartoons I loved the most were airred on Cartoon Network. These are four of my favourites which, if you’ve not seen, you absolutely must.

Cartoon Network was a staple of British childrens television in the 90’s and early 00’s. Founded in 1994, Cartoon Network quickly became the go-to channel for all cool kids shows, with the only real rival being Nickelodeon. YouTube wasn’t around, Google was still a small idea, with search engines like AskJeeves and even Yahoo! being relatively comparible. As such, as a 90’s kid in the UK, you typically didn’t have a lot of channels to choose from, but rather just a few main ones. Growing up, a lot of the cartoons I loved the most were airred on Cartoon Network. These are four of my favourites which, if you’ve not seen, you absolutely must.

Continue reading “Cartoon Network Shows I Grew Up With”

Top 10 Underappreciated Superheroes

As many of you will be aware, news of Stan Lee’s death spread last week. We’ll miss the industry legend, a term we don’t use lightly. Instead of us wallowing in misery however, we figured we’d celebrate the man. As such, today’s Top 10 is around Superheroes. These are our Top 10 Underappreciated Superheroes – As these guys could definitely do a lot more, if only people would believe in them.

GeekOut Top 10s

As many of you will be aware, news of Stan Lee’s death spread last week. We’ll miss the industry legend, a term we don’t use lightly. Instead of us wallowing in misery however, we figured we’d celebrate the man. As such, today’s Top 10 is around Superheroes. These are our Top 10 Underappreciated Superheroes – As these guys could definitely do a lot more, if only people would believe in them. Continue reading “Top 10 Underappreciated Superheroes”