Guest Characters in Tekken Games – Noctis, Geese and Akuma in Tekken 7

My good friends have had to experience me go from playing RPGs non-stop, to just being sat in ranked queues in Tekken 7, day in and day out. Tomorrow, we will see the launch of a new character in Tekken 7 – Noctis Lucis Caelum. The same Noctis from the most recent main-series title in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy XV. He’s not the only guest character to make it into Tekken. He’s now the third DLC, following Akuma back when the game was first released and Geese Howard last year. Now that Noctis is on the way, I thought this would be a fun way to look back at guest characters in Tekken’s history.

My good friends have had to experience me go from playing RPGs non-stop, to just being sat in ranked queues in Tekken 7, day in and day out. Tomorrow, we will see the launch of a new character in Tekken 7 – Noctis Lucis Caelum. The same Noctis from the most recent main-series title in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy XV. He’s not the only guest character to make it into Tekken. He’s now the third DLC, following Akuma back when the game was first released and Geese Howard last year. Now that Noctis is on the way, I thought this would be a fun way to look back at guest characters in Tekken’s history.

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