Top 10 90’s Geek Films

Before we delve into this list, we’re defining a 90’s Geek Film as one that was set out to entertain geeks. Therefore we’re going to include the likes of the 90’s Batman films, but not things like Home Alone which went on to become a cult classic. Some films toe the line between geeky and simply a good movie, so some of these may be contentious. Without further adieu, these are our Top 10 90’s Geek Films.

GeekOut Top 10s

Before we delve into this list, we’re defining a 90’s Geek Film as one that was set out to entertain geeks. Therefore we’re going to include the likes of the 90’s Batman films, but not things like Home Alone which went on to become a cult classic. Some films toe the line between geeky and simply a good movie, so some of these may be contentious. Without further adieu, these are our Top 10 90’s Geek Films.

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Top 10 – Artificial Intelligences

GeekOut Top 10s

We all love the fact that the future is bringing us to a much more autonomous way of living. Some of the things that humanity have had to work hard for in the past is slowly becoming a robotic-filled niche, but that doesn’t mean that all Artificial Intelligence is good. When AI goes bad, it can go maverick – But we’re not here to talk about the bad or the good today. Instead, we’re going to check out our Top 10 Artificial Intelligence in all of media.

Continue reading “Top 10 – Artificial Intelligences”

Top 10 Female Protagonists

Often underrepresented, but never underappreciated – The women of anime, comics, film and video games are here. Who is our top woman in all media? Who has the strength, the resolve, the skill and the brains? We were surprised we hadn’t made a Top 10 Female Protagonists list before, so we figured we’d right that wrong, as we check out our favourite women in all different media.

Often underrepresented, but never underappreciated – The women of anime, comics, film and video games are here. Who is our top woman in all media? Who has the strength, the resolve, the skill and the brains? We were surprised we hadn’t made a Top 10 Female Protagonists list before, so we figured we’d right that wrong, as we check out our favourite women in all different media.

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Trailer Rundown – Superbowl ’17

I do not sports.

I am not a sports person, I cannot name sports people, but I like how those who sports on a regular basis don’t admit to being nerds despite the fact that they’re bigger geeks than we are when it comes down to names, numbers, dates; I see no difference between sports fans at a match and geeks at a convention. But anyway, that’s not the point.

I love the Super Bowl! I’m vaguely aware of the results and that they are somehow historically important, but I was far more interested in YouTube the following few days, which have been as full of trailers as I’d hoped. Some I expected, some I really didn’t, most of them made me stupidly excited, and here are those: Continue reading “Trailer Rundown – Superbowl ’17”

Top 10 Mechanically Augmented Humans

Join us as we check the specs on some of the modified men and women in geek. Come check out our Top 10 Mechanically Augmented humans!

Strictly speaking anyone with a mechanical augmentation that replaces a body part (or becomes a body part) is a cyborg, so why not call this list Top 10 Cyborgs?

Continue reading “Top 10 Mechanically Augmented Humans”