Top 10 – GeekOut UK Moments

So it has come, the final Top 10 of our existence as a geek social group. To those who aren’t aware, we’ll still have our Discord channel, where I hope to be able to share some geek positivity, but we’ll be no doubt more focused on video games on there. However, if you’re a geek of any description, come join us. Nevertheless, Joel and Timlah have been at work, sussing out what have been some of our Top 10 GeekOut UK Moments. We think we’ve come up with a fair list.

So it has come, the final Top 10 of our existence as a geek social group. To those who aren’t aware, we’ll still have our Discord channel, where I hope to be able to share some geek positivity, but we’ll be no doubt more focused on video games on there. However, if you’re a geek of any description, come join us. Nevertheless, Joel and Timlah have been at work, sussing out what have been some of our Top 10 GeekOut UK Moments. We think we’ve come up with a fair list.

Continue reading “Top 10 – GeekOut UK Moments”

GeekOut UK Is Closing In 2020

Hi everyone, Tim here. I’ve run this website for over six years and today’s the article I never wanted to post. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end at some point, so I have to thank each and every one of you who’ve made this journey so enjoyable. I didn’t want to just suddenly disappear with no reasons for it, like many a website does. No, I feel that everyone deserves to hear the reasons why we’re disbanding the group and the mission, especially after all this time. I’ll also talk briefly about future ventures and the likes. So yeah, let’s get this sombre post done.

Hi everyone, Tim here. I’ve run this website for over six years and today’s the article I never wanted to post. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end at some point, so I have to thank each and every one of you who’ve made this journey so enjoyable. I didn’t want to just suddenly disappear with no reasons for it, like many a website does. No, I feel that everyone deserves to hear the reasons why we’re disbanding the group and the mission, especially after all this time. I’ll also talk briefly about future ventures and the likes. So yeah, let’s get this sombre post done. Continue reading “GeekOut UK Is Closing In 2020”

GeekOut UK – Front Page Updates and More

Hey all – From time to time, it’s nice to talk about some of the changes that are being made on the website and the reasons behind them. The astute amongst you may have noticed our front page banner has been updated; it now finally says GeekOut UK. But along with that, if you’re a regular visitor to the website, you’ll have likely seen a couple of changes – Not just to the front page. If you’re not a regular visitor and wondering what changes have been made, then look no further. Today I’m going to talk about some of the behind-the-scenes and what changes we’ve made and why.

Hey all – From time to time, it’s nice to talk about some of the changes that are being made on the website and the reasons behind them. The astute amongst you may have noticed our front page banner has been updated; it now finally says GeekOut UK. But along with that, if you’re a regular visitor to the website, you’ll have likely seen a couple of changes – Not just to the front page. If you’re not a regular visitor and wondering what changes have been made, then look no further. Today I’m going to talk about some of the behind-the-scenes and what changes we’ve made and why.

Continue reading “GeekOut UK – Front Page Updates and More”

Quick Website Update

Hey all, without lying about it, I had nothing planned for today as I’ve been out with our friends at Later Levels this weekend. Was awesome catching up with them all, so this post is literally just going to be a very short update on the website, what sort of directions we’re heading in and over to you. Basically, this is just a short catch up post, so I can also catch up with sorting other bits of the website out.

Hey all, without lying about it, I had nothing planned for today as I’ve been out with our friends at Later Levels this weekend. Was awesome catching up with them all, so this post is literally just going to be a very short update on the website, what sort of directions we’re heading in and over to you. Basically, this is just a short catch up post, so I can also catch up with sorting other bits of the website out.

Continue reading “Quick Website Update”

Future Content: Over To You

Regular readers of our website will know the types of content we write about. We love to chat gaming, anime, writing and lots more. We dabble into all sorts of territory when it comes to geeky passions. But the one thing that’s eluded us all of this time is you; the reader. We often get comments of “It’d be good if you would write this” or “could you cover that”, but rarely do we hear from our readers. We want that to change.

Regular readers of our website will know the types of content we write about. We love to chat gaming, anime, writing and lots more. We dabble into all sorts of territory when it comes to geeky passions. But the one thing that’s eluded us all of this time is you; the reader. We often get comments of “It’d be good if you would write this” or “could you cover that”, but rarely do we hear from our readers. We want that to change.

Continue reading “Future Content: Over To You”

GeekOut Website Update – The End..?

It’s been a while since I’ve updated everyone about the state of our website. As yesterday was a GeekOut Bristol Meet day, I didn’t really get much of a chance to prepare an article for today, so I figured it’d be a good time to quickly let everyone know about the state of the new website. Also, I’ll be chatting briefly about some other projects and where abouts they are. Most importantly, this is an article for me to document what we’re going to do going forward with this website. Sound good? Read on!

It’s been a while since I’ve updated everyone about the state of our website. As yesterday was a GeekOut Bristol Meet day, I didn’t really get much of a chance to prepare an article for today, so I figured it’d be a good time to quickly let everyone know about the state of the new website. Also, I’ll be chatting briefly about some other projects and where abouts they are. Most importantly, this is an article for me to document what we’re going to do going forward with this website. Sound good? Read on!

Continue reading “GeekOut Website Update – The End..?”

Our Vision Going Forward

GeekOut South-West has been going for five and a half years; soak that in for a moment. We’ve been around long enough to see groups, events, website all come and go. We’ve been around long enough to reach a point where we’re established, some people call us reliable and we often get plenty of conversation around how much good we do for everyone. That, to me, is something I’m incredibly proud of. However, sometimes, you have to take a step back and really think about what your vision for something is. What has it been all this time? Has it changed? Today, I’m going to explore our vision for the rest of the year and beyond.

Continue reading “Our Vision Going Forward”

GeekOut UK – Website Update #6

Whilst an update on our new website might not come to the forefront of your minds, I certainly feel like it’s been a while since I’ve had a significant update for everyone. Indeed, I usually only really provide an update when there’s been a big change and this time, I guess there kind of has been a big change to the new site. There’s quite a few changes to it in fact, which I think warrants a bit of attention.

Whilst an update on our new website might not come to the forefront of your minds, I certainly feel like it’s been a while since I’ve had a significant update for everyone. Indeed, I usually only really provide an update when there’s been a big change and this time, I guess there kind of has been a big change to the new site. There’s quite a few changes to it in fact, which I think warrants a bit of attention.

Continue reading “GeekOut UK – Website Update #6”

GeekOut Bristol Meet – November 10th: Literally Literature Gallery

We always love to share how our events went, especially when we had a genuinely excellent time all around. We went to the Old Market Tavern, many of us braving the incredibly unpredictable weather of the day (I would know, I was drenched). We gathered in the pub, bought a pint or two, or ten – and we met plenty of new people and familiar faces alike. Whilst we don’t have too many pictures of this one, the competition was awesome and as ever, we’ll detail what happened at the event. So, check out what happens at one of our GeekOut Bristol Meets.

We always love to share how our events went, especially when we had a genuinely excellent time all around. We went to the Old Market Tavern, many of us braving the incredibly unpredictable weather of the day (I would know, I was drenched). We gathered in the pub, bought a pint or two, or ten – and we met plenty of new people and familiar faces alike. Whilst we don’t have too many pictures of this one, the competition was awesome and as ever, we’ll detail what happened at the event. So, check out what happens at one of our GeekOut Bristol Meets.

Continue reading “GeekOut Bristol Meet – November 10th: Literally Literature Gallery”