June 19th – Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared

The nightmare is over.

And in some ways I’m quite sad.

It’s hard to believe that it has been five years since we first saw the trio of Sesame Street-esque puppets learning how to get creative, but as of June 19th this year the nerve-shredding but perversely insightful series has come to a rather dramatic and yet oddly satisfying conclusion that answered everything, and at the same time absolutely nothing. Let’s take a quick look at the journey or Red Guy, Yellow Guy and the Duck…

1) Get Creative


Nobody really knew what to expect on first view of the fabric world and it’s puppety inhabitants at first, it all seemed perfectly wholesome with the singing sketchbook singing about how to express yourself creatively, but it wasn’t long before the observant noticed something wrong with the way the sketchbook ignored the opinions of the Red Guy, later censoring Yellow’s attempts at doing something it hasn’t suggested. After a brief glimpse of the truth, and the artificial construct at play, the whole thing descends into chaos, the music becomes a painful cacophony, and the characters seem engaged in acts of madness rather than creativity.

Take the time to watch this twice, the second time looking for the little cues that are showing us how creativity is not being taught, it’s being crushed. The characters are told repeatedly what is and is not creative, and to only listen to the opinions of the sketchbook. At the end it is agreed that they will never be creative again, perhaps a hint that free thought is not allowed and we should all be normal because it is safer, a theme which is revisited later on.

2) Time


We come to 2014, almost 3 years later, and the creepiest kids show has freaked out a large audience already, now it’s Time to learn a new lesson. Our group are distracted from their TV show by the singing clock who shows them the effect of time and the inevitable march of progress. If anything Time is even more oblivious to the objections of the group, shutting down anyone who tries to disagree or deviate from the path quickly before eventually strapping them into a futuristic device to marvel at technology, and finally subjecting them to the rigours of age.

I’ve heard different interpretations of this one, and I think my favourite is that we don’t have long to live so we should fill the time with stuff, “An old man died – But look, a computer!” although there’s some credit to the idea that it’s about how we gloss over the past, such as how the Victorian era is glossed over with nonsense before launching into more pointless rhetoric.

Then came the Kickstarter campaign, promising four more lessons for the puppet palls to learn. It also promises to let them go if we give them money.

3) Love


Love is represented by a beautiful and softly spoken butterfly who takes care of Yellow after he runs off because the others upset him, and whisks him away over the clouds to a place where everyone is happy and cheerful and care about each other, and tell him stories, and give him new clothes, a new name, and introduce him to Malcolm, the King of Love who eats gravel. Yellow’s friends eventually find him, and bring him an egg, which hatches and the caterpillar inside calls him “Father”, before being squished.

This one takes you on a real journey, one that mirrors the path into many cults just like the cult of Malcolm, plucked from a place of confusion and sadness and introduced to people who supposedly care about them, but slowly erase their personality. It also goes into how we’re taught to perceive love, and the right and wrong ways to experience it.

4) Digitally


A computer hijacks our merry adventurers efforts to learn something interesting about the real world by dragging them into a digital world full of flash and sparkle and wonder. Once again our Red guy is disinterested, and sarcastic, still seeking an answer to the question that they began with before the distractions eventually silence him, and as he watches his friends enslaved by the machine he seeks an escape, and in the process stumbles across the real world, which literally blows his mind (in a shower of confetti).

The shroud around the true meaning behind each video gets thinner and thinner, although Digitally gives a few clues that might easily be missed. The video is about how our relationship with the internet, how it distracts us, how it gives us license to be someone else, and how it is filled with so much and nothing all at the same time. The computer is also one of the more terrifying teachers, its hideous squeal as it drags the puppets into its realm is chilling.

5) Healthy


Red is missing, apparently the events of Digitally were rather permanent, and the Duck and Yellow guy know something is wrong, but can’t quite pinpoint what’s wrong. And so begins the music, as a dancing lamb chop and can of spinach teach them all about being healthy. This time the Duck takes the role of doubter, and is obviously uncomfortable and tries repeatedly to escape through the ever-ringing phone, only to find grisly dismemberment on the other side.

The meaning is most obvious of all, the conflicting lessons about food are an obvious mirror of the ever changing things we are told are good for us and bad for us: “…but everyone has a teeth go grey, just eat yeast, it’ll all go away! But how much have you had today? Too much yeast makes your teeth go grey.” In the end the Duck is consumed by giant cans, the food industry behind the cameras, and we see Red walking morosely away from a phonebooth in the real world. It seems he was trying to save his friends.

6) Dreams

And now but one remains, he is all alone and weeping, trying desperately to find peace, but he’s deprived of sleep by a lamp that sings about dreams, but this episode does not follow the formula.

Out there in the “real” world, Red finds himself a slave to drudgery and boredom, in a world full of humourless cynics that look identical to him. He almost seems to miss the animated house he left, and sits alone in a bar surrounded by nonsensical small talk while another Red creature hammers ineffectually at a piano. He takes to the stage and starts to sing the song from Get Creative, only for the stage to dissolve, and he finds himself at the controls of the House in which he once lived. He tries to spare Yellow from the torment at the hands of… well there’s a few things I haven’t mentioned.


You may have noticed the reoccurring theme of Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, that we are taught how and what to think, and by the media most of all. You’ll see it everywhere throughout the series in adverts, screens, and cameras, and in myriad subtle ways that even the more keen eyed amongst us may have missed. There are a few commonalities that are more obvious than others, the reoccurance of June 19th, or the numbers 1906, the use of the colour green, the image of a human brain, and the only parental figure.

The father of Yellow guy is by far the most horrifying figure, a vision of immorality who is seen from his introduction in Time and slowly he is revealed as the one pulling the strings. In the cult of Malcolm, a shadowy corner where the computer had been, standing above the set of healthy, and finally reaching to stop Red from interfering with the plan.

Is this a review? A summary? Perhaps both, perhaps neither. Once again we’re spreading the love for a series that we have become enthralled by, and that we discuss with the release of every new video. It’s almost a shame to see it gone, because I doubt anything will unnerve me in quite the same way again.

Credit for a lot of these explanations must go to Vinnie at YouTube Explained although he missed a few points I felt important, but seriously check out his thoughts on the series, he’s very observant.

GeekOut Bristol Meet – March 11th Gallery

The third GeekOut Bristol Meet is over for the year – Not bad! Time to go ahead and see what were the common themes and have a look at this months gallery. Were you there? Let us know in the comments!

The third GeekOut Bristol Meet is over for the year – Not bad! Time to go ahead and see what were the common themes and have a look at this months gallery. Were you there? Let us know in the comments!

Continue reading “GeekOut Bristol Meet – March 11th Gallery”

Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma Episode 1

If I had to describe the first episode of Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma in just one word, it’d be disturbing… And I’m okay with that! Read on to find out why.

WARNING: Hold your horses there kiddo, this certainly ain’t a kid friendly anime. I’d recommend watching this if you’re cool with sexual content, but it didn’t seem to get too explicit… But the implicit suggestions were definitely all there, so you have been thoroughly warned!

Continue reading “Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma Episode 1”

Top 10 food and drinks in gaming

Top10 Banner

Since time memorandum men and women have been living in a constant state of war, conflict and trials.

The burning question which has kept us all awake at night is finally going to be considered here on GeekOut… What are the top 10 food and drinks in gaming!?

Let’s find out, shall we hungry viewers? Pull yourself a smooth beverage and here we go!


Top 10

10. Curry – Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Who’s up for some hot stuff?

Seriously, this is some ridiculously hot curry. The best thing you can do is go to the settings and put yourself to “Curry” mode in the gameplay settings. Oh yes, watching your fighters run around literally breathing fire along the way – It gets silly, it gets rather hot and bothersome… And it’s downright funny.

Don’t believe me? Go boot up Brawl, set everyone to “light” weight, with bunny ears and curry. Good luck holding your breath to that one!


9. Chupa Chups – Zool

An unapologetic game which was ridiculously tough, Zool: Ninja of the nth Dimension is one of these games that you would have heard of in nightmares if you owned an Amiga. The thing is, however the first three levels have some of the most blatant product placement in existence!

That’s right, we’re on about Chupa Chups being absolutely everywhere in those first three levels. You certainly can’t forget a game like Zool when all you see are delicious sweets everywhere! Great, now I wanna get me some Chupa Chups.


8. Sweet-Rolls – Skyrim

Let me guess…

Skyrim took the immersive level of their classic franchise up a notch when they gave us the opportunity to actually assemble dishes out of the random foodstuffs we used to stuff raw into our virtual faces, giving extra bonuses. There are also the really cool unique foods, like Alto Wine and Elsweyr Fondue that add more depth to the already colossal world. We also can’t help love the attitude towards alchemical ingredients: “I wonder if this is poisonous.”

But we are so sick of being asked if someone stole our sweet roll. Who exactly do the guards think are taking them all? We’re the PC here, our first reaction when finding a new place is to steal its’ entire contents, especially the confectionary. SO STOP ASKING! And we don’t care about your previous careers or knees.


7. Wall Dinners – Castlevania

Ever wondered what eating chicken from a dirty old castle would be like? I’d imagine not tasty. Now try and picture that same chicken dinner being stuffed inside of a wall which crumbles upon whipping.

Now it’s a lovely chicken roast dinner covered in the rubble and ash from a whipped up wall. Delicious!


6. Rare Candy, Moo Milk, Lemonade – Pokemon

I am constantly reminded of the first time I played Pokemon Red. The game was so devoid from the real world, it was beautiful!

Then suddenly you see a vending machine selling Lemonade. This was the first time I questioned: What other similarities are there between Kanto, Johto, Hoenn etc and the real world?

Further to this, in later games there is a ranch that sells milk… From the Cow Pokemon – Miltank! Now I’m picturing that this world keeps Torchics to lay eggs! Yikes!! But don’t worry; all of this “realism” disappears when you realise Pokemon level up to some Rare Candy… Wait, how did you all get so buff looking?


5. Nuka-Cola – Fallout

Now in more varieties than ever before! Nuka Cola was the favourite beverage in the Fallout series, water being basically undrinkable in post-nuclear-apocalypse America. If you’re willing to drink the glowing variety there are some rather cool perks, including a bonus fruit flavour, and glowing urine. Nuka Cola adverts are everywhere in the Fallout universe, all of them looking strangely familiar.

Nuka Cola is iconic, and the brand may very well be as recognizable as the brand it’s designed to parody. It may very well have as many varieties and related merchandize as the original these days too.

4. Grog and root beer – Monkey Island

It’s pretty obvious that grog will feature heavily in a series about pirates. From it eating through several metal tankards before staging a jailbreak across town, to shutting down sushi boat canals in the local Japanese restaurant, this drink not only quenches your thirst (and burns your throat to pieces) but is useful in many a situation. One of the friendly pirates in the Scumm Bar will even give you a recipe if you ask him nicely.

But what could be better than grog? Well, root beer of course! In the first game of the series this fizzy drink is shown to have special powers that rival the extremely rare voodoo anti-root, enabling Guybrush to thwart the evil ghost pirate Le Chuck after grabbing a can from the vending machine at Stan’s Used Ship Emporium. You’ll never look at a carbonated beverage in the same way again.

3. The Cake – Portal

Seven years on we still aren’t certain whether or not the cake is a lie. Was GLaDOS ever going to give us the cake? Was it even real, or just some hallucination brought about by hurling yourself through amplified gravitic space? We know that it drove former test-subjects to write on the walls, and inspired many of us to perceive a far deeper philosophy in Portal.

The game that spawned so many over-used internet jokes and memes at times still feels like the gift that keeps on giving. The sequel also delivered us the Aperture Science Incendiary Lemons! Who knows, if Valve ever work out what comes after 2, we may see another food to add to the list.

2. Super mushrooms – Super Mario Bros.

In real-life you really shouldn’t pick and eat red mushrooms, but that doesn’t stop the famous mustachioed Italian plumber known as Mario – he’s such a risk-taker. Devouring these vivid fungi will cause him to double in size and strength (and his clothes to do the same!), allowing him to smash through bricks and take an extra hit from enemies before returning to his normal short-and-pudgy size.

Also be sure to keep an eye out for the green 1-Up version; you might put our hero’s well-being in danger when attempting to grab one but a successful attempt will earn lucky players an additional life. Mushrooms are obviously so super that they have an entire kingdom named after them in Mario’s world, so we think they deserve to go high on this list. No pun intended… well, maybe.

1. Peperami – Animal

So here’s something that should never have happened, a computer game to advertise a “meat” snack, peperami. Some of you (if you were in Britain at the time) may recall the adverts of the 1990’s, an angry sausage voiced by Adrian Edmondson with a foul attitude. Well, the computer game based on that character was…. actually hilarious! Graphically average for 1996, reasonably tough puzzles at times, but the voice acting and the terrible comedy made the game something truly spectacular.

Ade Edmondson shines through this prolonged, interactive advert, and makes this game not only playable, but an absolute joy. Awful puns, loud abuse, slapstick, and the ability to attack whatever you like. I cannot rate this game highly enough for sheer comedic value.

Honourable Mentions

Sometimes even the best of foods just can’t quite make it to the top of a list. As such, we thought we couldn’t forget about these games where food is the main focus!


Everything – Kirby

Kirby is one hungry little pink ball and he intends to make an example out of anything he eats! Be it a Waddle-Dee or a dog that likes to freeze Kirby, the little pink ball will eat them all. Not only does he eat his enemies/”everything”, he also manages to make it look cute in the process and copy the powers of his enemies! As the phrase goes; you are what you eat!

Alas Kirbys eating habits makes it a bit hard to pin-point a specific food, hence he doesn’t quite make it to the Top 10. Hang in there, little pink ball of Kirby awesomeness!


Everything – Pac-Man

Pac-Man Power-Pellet

Yep, we’ve copped out a bit by having the exact same thing as the honourable mentions. Pac-Man is another character whose only purpose in life is to eat everything within his sights. Unlike Kirby, Pacman likes to eat Pac-Dots, Power Pellets and ghosts. Yum, all of that ectoplasma-y goodness! Pac-Man also likes to remind its viewers to eat a portion of fruit every day!

At least he’s harmless to us people…… Right?


This week we were blessed to be joined by the lovely Kim of 1001-Up who did the Monkey Island and Super Mario Bros. sections – Thank you, Kim! Everyone else, please go ahead and check out her works over at 1001-Up today!

Well, that’s it for another weeks worth of Top 10 goodness! I hope you’ve not stuffed yourself too silly on our gourmet meals and finest drinks. But don’t worry, Top 10 will be back sooner than you can spell out a French recipe with many “hors d’oeuvre”. Hey, would you like to take part in selecting our next Top 10 (and special mentions)? Why not hit us up by clicking this link and dropping us an e-mail? Whether you’re an avid reader of the site or a new fan; Come take part!

What did you think of our mouthwatering selection this week? We were quite happy with our selections, Timlah was especially chuffed at being able to include Zool in a list! What foods and drinks are most memorable to you in gaming? Until next time, take care!

Kickstarter Highlight – Potato Salad


Do you like potatoes?

Do you like salads?

Do you like potato salads? Well then look no further… I can’t believe I’m even sharing this, it’s too absurd to be real but no, it is real and it’s totally happening! Welcome back once again to a rather… Interesting Kickstarter Highlight!

Potato Salad

What is it?

Sometimes, you wake up and it’s a bright and fresh new day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and you realise that you don’t have enough people making potato salad in the world. Well, this campaign is looking to be an innovator, but it does beg the question of: Why?

Why did someone have to be so innovative as to producing a whole Kickstarter Campaign for potato salad? What innovations in potato salad will there be?

The creator of the campaign has admitted as much as:

“Basically I’m just making potato salad. I haven’t decided what kind yet.”

That’s the kind of honour that we need in this world. Just go out there and make your damn potato salad! Good for him for grabbing the bull by the horns and approaching the world for help in such a hard campaign.

That is some pretty tasty looking potato salad.

How much money does he need?

He went to Kickstarter asking for a very optimistic amount of $10.

Just $10 and he thought he could make a great potato salad but oh no, the internet knew better than that. As of the time of writing, it is already at $45,768. The internet knew he would need this amount of money to make a potato salad, so they threw it all at him and the amount keeps rising.

I suspect he’ll need closer to $1 million… But for he and all of his optimism, I wish him luck!


I can’t believe I’m asking: What are the rewards?

I thought I’d leave in the numbers of backers, just to let you all know just how many people are backing this…

  • Pledge $1 or more

    1328 backers

    With your help, we’ll be on our way to a successful potato salad. You will get a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014

  • Pledge $2 or more

    799 backers

    Receive a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014

  • Pledge $3 or more

    722 backers

    Receive a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014

  • Pledge $5 or more

    396 backers

    DELUXE PACKAGE: Choose a potato-salad-appropriate ingredient to add to the potato salad, receive a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014

  • Pledge $10 or more

    269 backers

    PLATINUM LEVEL: Hang out in the kitchen with me while I make the potato salad, choose a potato-salad-appropriate ingredient to add to the potato salad, receive a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014

  • Pledge $20 or more

    4 backers All gone!

    POTATO MADNESS: Receive a potato-salad themed haiku written by me, your name carved into a potato that will be used in the potato salad, a signed jar of mayonnaise, the potato salad recipe, hang out in the kitchen with me while I make the potato salad, choose a potato-salad-appropriate ingredient to add to the potato salad, receive a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014

  • Pledge $25 or more

    213 backers

    THE HAT: Receive a potato-salad themed hat along with a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014
    Add $10 USD to ship outside the US

  • Pledge $35 or more

    380 backers

    THE HOMAGE T-SHIRT: Receive a limited edition t-shirt designed and printed by Columbus, Ohio t-shirt company Homage (http://www.homage.com). Also receive a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014
    Add $20 USD to ship outside the US

  • Pledge $50 or more

    76 backers

    POTATO SALADS OF THE WORLD: Receive a recipe book with potato salad recipes inspired by each country where we have a backer along with a bite of the potato salad, a photo of me making the potato salad, a ‘thank you’ posted to our website and I will say your name out loud while making the potato salad. The recipe book will have a dedication page with the name of each of our backers.

    Estimated delivery: Dec 2014
    Add $20 USD to ship outside the US

So as you can see, this is a… Clearly noble cause and I think potato salad everywhere needs to be appreciated for this campaign.

What did you think of… Potato salad? Do you even like potato salad? How absurd is this campaign and more importantly: What’s your views on a campaign like this receiving so much attention (and more importantly money)? Do you simply say “Oh, internet… You silly!” or do you actually begin to worry?

A part of me wants to mash this campaign, but another part of me wants to sauté those feelings and simply enjoy what is a strange, but funny campaign…

… And to the creator of the campaign: Well played, sir. Well played indeed. You can have my $2. I don’t care what you do with it, it’s funny, it’s creative – But the question is: What will happen with the campaign? Will it be flagged down? Time will only tell.

Next GeekOut Session 2

What is with the uncreative title?

But no, seriously.

The next GeekOut session will be taking place on January 10th. I’ve spoken to the pub that we usually meet up in (King William Ale Pub) and they didn’t seem to say anything against me bringing something in.

What are you on about, you crazy guy?

This weekend, I’m going to work on nothing but my board game that I’ve eluded to before on this website. I’ve made the boards for two of the floors and I’ve gotten a few of the materials made. I just simply have to get the last of it sorted.

Now, this means, if all goes well this weekend, I’ll have a playable (But very, very rough) board game and as part of this GeekOut, I’m inviting people to come along, chat about anything geeky – and should they want to, have a go with the board game (Entirely optional). I’ve kept it very quiet as to “What” the board game is… and it is pretty different. Whether or not this is a good thing… Probably not, but everything is worth a try at least once!

So, without further adieu, here are the details of this months GeekOut session:

Friday 10th January,
King William Ale House – 20 King Street, Bristol, BS1 4EF
From 7pm – Upstairs (Opposite side from the pool tables is likely)

If you’re in Bristol city centre from 5.30pm, why not meet up with some of us for a drink and perhaps a bite to eat at The Commercial Rooms.

As always, thanks to everyone who attends these sessions, from the people I know personally, to the people I’m meeting for the very first time – You make it all worthwhile.


Wait, you crazy foolish man! How will we recognise you all and see the GeekOut group?!

Look for a man… With a beard… That sort of looks like a W… and who wears a hat. He’ll probably wear a suit jacket with a silly t-shirt underneath, too.

Also, look for people playing a strange board game (If all goes to plan! I’ll keep the blog updated.)


Have a great week and I hope to see some of you at the next GeekOut!