Riot Games Go All Out For 10 Year Anniversary – New Games!

Riot Games have gone all out for their 10 year anniversary, which is a pretty exciting thing to be able to say. Riot Games made the Free-To-Play giant, League of Legends, which is a major title in the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre. For years, they’ve run just the one game but this year, they’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and show how much progress they’ve made in their world.

Riot Games have gone all out for their 10 year anniversary, which is a pretty exciting thing to be able to say. Riot Games made the Free-To-Play giant, League of Legends, which is a major title in the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre. For years, they’ve run just the one game but this year, they’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and show how much progress they’ve made in their world.

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Video Game Review: DragonBall FighterZ

Steam sales means that I get to pick up titles I’ve sought after at a great price; let’s be honest, we’ve all been extra tempted by Steam sales – And recently, Steam put up a sale for all DragonBall related games and lo and behold, the fighting game DragonBall FighterZ came up in that list. Anyone who’s ever read this website before will know that I do love a good fighting game. When DragonBall FighterZ first came out, I was hugely interested. It was a massive success story that was able to quickly rival the other 3v3 or ‘tag’ style fighting games, especially as it’s been a while since the last big one.

Steam sales means that I get to pick up titles I’ve sought after at a great price; let’s be honest, we’ve all been extra tempted by Steam sales – And recently, Steam put up a sale for all DragonBall related games and lo and behold, the fighting game DragonBall FighterZ came up in that list. Anyone who’s ever read this website before will know that I do love a good fighting game. When DragonBall FighterZ first came out, I was hugely interested. It was a massive success story that was able to quickly rival the other 3v3 or ‘tag’ style fighting games, especially as it’s been a while since the last big one.

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Guest Characters in Tekken Games – Noctis, Geese and Akuma in Tekken 7

My good friends have had to experience me go from playing RPGs non-stop, to just being sat in ranked queues in Tekken 7, day in and day out. Tomorrow, we will see the launch of a new character in Tekken 7 – Noctis Lucis Caelum. The same Noctis from the most recent main-series title in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy XV. He’s not the only guest character to make it into Tekken. He’s now the third DLC, following Akuma back when the game was first released and Geese Howard last year. Now that Noctis is on the way, I thought this would be a fun way to look back at guest characters in Tekken’s history.

My good friends have had to experience me go from playing RPGs non-stop, to just being sat in ranked queues in Tekken 7, day in and day out. Tomorrow, we will see the launch of a new character in Tekken 7 – Noctis Lucis Caelum. The same Noctis from the most recent main-series title in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy XV. He’s not the only guest character to make it into Tekken. He’s now the third DLC, following Akuma back when the game was first released and Geese Howard last year. Now that Noctis is on the way, I thought this would be a fun way to look back at guest characters in Tekken’s history.

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Video Game Review: Tekken 7

The Tekken franchise has been around since 1994; a fighting game which has won numerous awards. Now we’re back in 2017, with a brand new Tekken game that was released just last week. The reviews have been pouring in with praise galore and we’re not one to shy from what people have been saying. From the new musical direction, to art and the story mode, we’re here to review everything about Tekken 7, as let’s be honest – What’s the point of a review if we don’t critique the whole thing. Before we get into the review however, it’s worth noting that I had the game pre-ordered as a present, so I also get the bonus Eliza DLC. Here we go with our full review!

The Tekken franchise has been around since 1994; a fighting game which has won numerous awards. Now we’re back in 2017, with a brand new Tekken game that was released just last week. The reviews have been pouring in with praise galore and we’re not one to shy from what people have been saying. From the new musical direction, to art and the story mode, we’re here to review everything about Tekken 7, as let’s be honest – What’s the point of a review if we don’t critique the whole thing. Before we get into the review however, it’s worth noting that I had the game pre-ordered as a present, so I also get the bonus Eliza DLC. Here we go with our full review!

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Video Game Review: DragonBall Xenoverse

Kamehameha! Every anime and manga’s favourite martial art series which went from simple roots of an exaggerated combat style, with more energy beams than any sci-fi movie in history, to the big screen… Of your computers that is! Timlah has finally gotten his hands on DragonBall Xenoverse and has spent some time getting to know it with his brand new Sayian hero. Will Timlah be able to stop the evil bad guys of the game? Are you reading this in the narrators voice? Find out now in GeekOut’s review!

Kamehameha! Every anime and manga’s favourite martial art series which went from simple roots of an exaggerated combat style, with more energy beams than any sci-fi movie in history, to the big screen… Of your computers that is! Timlah has finally gotten his hands on DragonBall Xenoverse and has spent some time getting to know it with his brand new Sayian hero. Will Timlah be able to stop the evil bad guys of the game? Are you reading this in the narrators voice? Find out now in GeekOut’s review!

Continue reading “Video Game Review: DragonBall Xenoverse”