Halloween As Celebrated in Video Games

For how much I love to discuss video games, it’s weird that I’ve not gone into greater detail about this. Halloween is really such a geeky celebration these days, as we love a good chance to get in our favourite cosplays, or to watch horror films (which, in its own right, is a huge niche that sorta sits neatly with us geeks). In truth, geeks and horror go hand in hand and today, I’d like to show how video games like to collaborate in their own way to the celebration of the spookiest season.

For how much I love to discuss video games, it’s weird that I’ve not gone into greater detail about this. Halloween is really such a geeky celebration these days, as we love a good chance to get in our favourite cosplays, or to watch horror films (which, in its own right, is a huge niche that sorta sits neatly with us geeks). In truth, geeks and horror go hand in hand and today, I’d like to show how video games like to collaborate in their own way to the celebration of the spookiest season.

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The Elder Scrolls Online: My Journey to CP810 Is Over

I play Elder Scrolls Online quite a bit, so earlier this week marked a massive milestone for me. I reached CP810; or Champion Point 810. This is effectively the level cap of the game (as of the time of writing). I’ve spoken to people who’ve been playing for years and have never reached this level; and it’s not like I grinded specifically to get to this level. Nevertheless, here are my thoughts of the game now I’ve done sort of just about everything (with the exception of the absolute hardest content).

I play Elder Scrolls Online quite a bit, so earlier this week marked a massive milestone for me. I reached CP810; or Champion Point 810. This is effectively the level cap of the game (as of the time of writing). I’ve spoken to people who’ve been playing for years and have never reached this level; and it’s not like I grinded specifically to get to this level. Nevertheless, here are my thoughts of the game now I’ve done sort of just about everything (with the exception of the absolute hardest content).

Continue reading “The Elder Scrolls Online: My Journey to CP810 Is Over”

Gaming Achievements – Share Your Memories

Last night, whilst playing Elder Scrolls Online, I managed to finally do something that had taken me months to do. I cleared Veteran Maelstrom Arena with no deaths, giving me a brand new title in the process, The Flawless Conqueror. Arguably the hardest solo content in ESO, I was so chuffed to have done it at last. To make it better, I did it on a class that doesn’t often get through Veteran Maelstrom Arena, as showcased by the lack of entries on the leaderboard. Today, I’d like to step back, chat about gaming achievements and open this up to you, to share yours with us.

Last night, whilst playing Elder Scrolls Online, I managed to finally do something that had taken me months to do. I cleared Veteran Maelstrom Arena with no deaths, giving me a brand new title in the process, The Flawless Conqueror. Arguably the hardest solo content in ESO, I was so chuffed to have done it at last. To make it better, I did it on a class that doesn’t often get through Veteran Maelstrom Arena, as showcased by the lack of entries on the leaderboard. Today, I’d like to step back, chat about gaming achievements and open this up to you, to share yours with us.

Continue reading “Gaming Achievements – Share Your Memories”

Modding Games: How I Work On Mods

Many video games, especially PC based ones, allow you to modify them. You usually are given a restricted API to work with, allowing you to manipulate the game in specific ways. Normally, you can’t really break the game per se, but you can indeed mess up with mods. But when you make a killer mod, people worldwide can benefit from it. I found a niche issue in Elder Scrolls Online, which I am writing a mod for.

Many video games, especially PC based ones, allow you to modify them. You usually are given a restricted API to work with, allowing you to manipulate the game in specific ways. Normally, you can’t really break the game per se, but you can indeed mess up with mods. But when you make a killer mod, people worldwide can benefit from it. I found a niche issue in Elder Scrolls Online, which I am writing a mod for.

This article is just a discussion about how I go about learning what I need to make a mod, as well as some info on the mod I’m working on.

Continue reading “Modding Games: How I Work On Mods”

Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Prologue and 25th Anniversary

As many of you know, I’m sure, that Elder Scrolls Online announced a new expansion for the MMO. If you’re a long-time fan of The Elder Scrolls, then this might be the right time to come and join the online title. For the first time ever, we’re about to see the homeland of the Khajiit, Elsweyr – And I couldn’t be any more excited. Then, they decided to tell us a bit about the story behind Elsweyr… And they mentioned we’ll be fighting something big. Next, they released the prologue in game, which you can play right now and hoo boy, was it ever a treat? Check this out…

As many of you know, I’m sure, that Elder Scrolls Online announced a new expansion for the MMO. If you’re a long-time fan of The Elder Scrolls, then this might be the right time to come and join the online title. For the first time ever, we’re about to see the homeland of the Khajiit, Elsweyr – And I couldn’t be any more excited. Then, they decided to tell us a bit about the story behind Elsweyr… And they mentioned we’ll be fighting something big. Next, they released the prologue in game, which you can play right now and hoo boy, was it ever a treat? Check this out…

WARNING: If you’ve not watched the trailer yet for Elsweyr yet, then the image in today’s article may be considered spoilers. There’s nothing more than light spoilers, so thought I’d give you that warning. Cool. Read on!

Continue reading “Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr Prologue and 25th Anniversary”

Please Read The Patch Notes

You know, I’ve sat here contemplating how to word this one, but the truth is that there’s only one way to word it. People really need to read the patch notes for games, or anything else. This rule doesn’t apply just to games either; sometimes a company will put our a major announcement, but then people will still be surprised when said announcement, whatever it may be, comes into effect. The truth is that people don’t spend enough time sitting back, trying to digest the information they’re given. This is, I guess, partly due to the immediate nature of the internet – and also partly due to overall laziness.

You know, I’ve sat here contemplating how to word this one, but the truth is that there’s only one way to word it. People really need to read the patch notes for games, or anything else. This rule doesn’t apply just to games either; sometimes a company will put our a major announcement, but then people will still be surprised when said announcement, whatever it may be, comes into effect. The truth is that people don’t spend enough time sitting back, trying to digest the information they’re given. This is, I guess, partly due to the immediate nature of the internet – and also partly due to overall laziness.

Continue reading “Please Read The Patch Notes”

GameBlast19: We Smashed Our Target

Yesterday, Later Levels’ Kim and Pete were up from 8am until 8am the following day, all in the name of charity. We mentioned before that we planned on joining them, which is exactly what both Jake and I did. We stayed up for the long haul, we had two targets to meet and achieve and we smashed both of them. Would we manage to get a character from level 0-50? Would we also manage to get our donation goal? It was a long night for us, but I’m pleased to say we managed everything we set out to do – and I couldn’t be more proud.

Yesterday, Later Levels’ Kim and Pete were up from 8am until 8am the following day, all in the name of charity. We mentioned before that we planned on joining them, which is exactly what both Jake and I did. We stayed up for the long haul, we had two targets to meet and achieve and we smashed both of them. Would we manage to get a character from level 0-50? Would we also manage to get our donation goal? It was a long night for us, but I’m pleased to say we managed everything we set out to do – and I couldn’t be more proud.

Continue reading “GameBlast19: We Smashed Our Target”

GameBlast19: What To Expect on Saturday 23rd February 2019

Another year has passed us by and GameBlast is upon us again. Our friends Kim and Pete over at Later Levels are hard at work preparing a massive stream filled with a variety of games for a whopping 24-hour game fest. I’m always spurred on by these kinds of initiatives, so naturally I wanted to help out in any way I could. Now that GameBlast is tomorrow, we’ve arranged how we fit into all of this!

Another year has passed us by and GameBlast is upon us again. Our friends Kim and Pete over at Later Levels are hard at work preparing a massive stream filled with a variety of games for a whopping 24-hour game fest. I’m always spurred on by these kinds of initiatives, so naturally I wanted to help out in any way I could. Now that GameBlast is tomorrow, we’ve arranged how we fit into all of this!

Continue reading “GameBlast19: What To Expect on Saturday 23rd February 2019”

GameBlast19: Raising Money For A Great Cause

It’s February, which means GameBlast19 is going to be upon us in the coming few weeks. These events are always absolutely worth watching and helping out with, so it’s always a pleasure to be able to write about them. Still, if you’re looking for something to watch on February 23rd, our friends Kim and Pete over at Later Levels, along with some cameos from myself and Jake, for a whopping 24 hour game-a-thon. Here’s what you need to know about GameBlast19, the charity we’re raising money for and how you can help us reach our goal. Read on to find out more!

It’s February, which means GameBlast19 is going to be upon us in the coming few weeks. These events are always absolutely worth watching and helping out with, so it’s always a pleasure to be able to write about them. Still, if you’re looking for something to watch on February 23rd, our friends Kim and Pete over at Later Levels, along with some cameos from myself and Jake, for a whopping 24 hour game-a-thon. Here’s what you need to know about GameBlast19, the charity we’re raising money for and how you can help us reach our goal. Read on to find out more!

Continue reading “GameBlast19: Raising Money For A Great Cause”

A Comprehensive Guide To Elder Scrolls Online

Hi, I’m Timlah – and I’m an Elder Scrolls Online-aholic. I’ve been addicted to the game ever since I picked it up on a whim for £15 or so. I’ve played the same character for quite some time, against a lot of the public opinion – and I’m still nowhere near maxed out. Having gotten past Champion Point 300 in a bit under 3 months, I feel like I’ve come along quickly… And since then, I’ve been able to share advice with other players. With the announcement from today about the next expansion, Elsweyr, now’s a great time to get into the MMORPG.

Hi, I’m Timlah – and I’m an Elder Scrolls Online-aholic. I’ve been addicted to the game ever since I picked it up on a whim for £15 or so. I’ve played the same character for quite some time, against a lot of the public opinion – and I’m still nowhere near maxed out. Having gotten past Champion Point 300 in a bit under 3 months, I feel like I’ve come along quickly… And since then, I’ve been able to share advice with other players. With the announcement from today about the next expansion, Elsweyr, now’s a great time to get into the MMORPG.

Continue reading “A Comprehensive Guide To Elder Scrolls Online”