Top 10 Terrifying Tech

Technology is marvelous, isn’t it? From the powers of the internet, through to robotics like Asimo, tech has changed our lives. However, in the real world and in fictional works, some technology isn’t used for the betterment of mankind, but rather to further an agenda. Look even further and you see that sometimes the well-intended is outright terrifying. Here are our Top 10 examples of terrifying tech.

GeekOut Top 10s

Technology is marvelous, isn’t it? From the powers of the internet, through to robotics like Asimo, tech has changed our lives. However, in the real world and in fictional works, some technology isn’t used for the betterment of mankind, but rather to further an agenda. Look even further and you see that sometimes the well-intended is outright terrifying. Here are our Top 10 examples of terrifying tech.

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Anime Characters That Stood Out To Me As A 90’s Kid

Alright, a bit of a convoluted title for what’s effectively a discussion piece, but I figured it’d be fun to look back at 90’s anime that I checked out – Both growing up and afterwards. 90’s (and early 00’s) was huge for anime here in the UK, as that’s when we got Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z on our TVs. But they weren’t the only series that was on TV and most importantly, there were a number of series from around that time that we couldn’t see here in the UK – But I still ended up finding them. As such, these are the characters I thoroughly enjoyed the most as a kid – and by kid, I do mean until I was about 14-15, so we’re going into the 00’s a bit!

Alright, a bit of a convoluted title for what’s effectively a discussion piece, but I figured it’d be fun to look back at 90’s anime that I checked out – Both growing up and afterwards. 90’s (and early 00’s) was huge for anime here in the UK, as that’s when we got Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z on our TVs. But they weren’t the only series that was on TV and most importantly, there were a number of series from around that time that we couldn’t see here in the UK – But I still ended up finding them. As such, these are the characters I thoroughly enjoyed the most as a kid – and by kid, I do mean until I was about 14-15, so we’re going into the 00’s a bit!

Continue reading “Anime Characters That Stood Out To Me As A 90’s Kid”

Top 10 Embarrassing Character Deaths

Come one, come all, to our gallery of heroes and villains who have fallen; except this wing of the gallery has a little twist. Every one of the heroes and villains we’re about to show you have fallen in some embarrassing manner. So whether or not these characters have been caught with their trousers down, or whether they just died because reasons, here are our Top 10 Embarrassing Character Deaths.

GeekOut Top 10s

Come one, come all, to our gallery of heroes and villains who have fallen; except this wing of the gallery has a little twist. Every one of the heroes and villains we’re about to show you have fallen in some embarrassing manner. So whether or not these characters have been caught with their trousers down, or whether they just died because reasons, here are our Top 10 Embarrassing Character Deaths.

Continue reading “Top 10 Embarrassing Character Deaths”

Top 10 Action Anime

Everybody was kung-fu fighting; sometimes strikin’ with lightnin’; in fact demons are a lil’ bit frightenin’, ah yeah, but they gunned them down with expert timin’! I should stick to writing articles…

GeekOut Top 10s

Everybody was kung-fu fighting; sometimes strikin’ with lightnin’; in fact demons are a lil’ bit frightenin’, ah yeah, but they gunned them down with expert timin’! I should stick to writing articles…

Continue reading “Top 10 Action Anime”

Top 10 Posing Characters

Step 1 for powering up your special move: Strike a pose! Do you have a good special move? No? That’s because you can’t pose. No posing skills and we can’t take a great picture of you! But not to worry, as although we may not have your back, we have gathered some of the finest posers from geek history to show you how it’s done.

GeekOut Top 10s

Step 1 for powering up your special move: Strike a pose! Do you have a good special move? No? That’s because you can’t pose. No posing skills and we can’t take a great picture of you! But not to worry, as although we may not have your back, we have gathered some of the finest posers from geek history to show you how it’s done.

Get ready to freeze-frame for victory. It’s our Top 10 Posing Characters.

Continue reading “Top 10 Posing Characters”

Top 10 Shonen Anime

Anime! It’s a little crazy, it’s a little zany and usually it’s usually full of action! We love action here, so this week I got with Kevin Kutlesa from The Mental Attic, where we decided to have a sit down chat about anime – and more importantly, anime that we would have loved as a teenager. Some of these have been around for ages; whereas some of them came and went. Either way, these are our Top 10 Shonen Anime!

GeekOut Top 10s

Anime! It’s a little crazy, it’s a little zany and usually it’s usually full of action! We love action here, so this week I got with Kevin Kutlesa from The Mental Attic, where we decided to have a sit down chat about anime – and more importantly, anime that we would have loved as a teenager. Some of these have been around for ages; whereas some of them came and went. Either way, these are our Top 10 Shonen Anime!

Continue reading “Top 10 Shonen Anime”

Dragon Ball Super: The Tournament of Power – Has It Gone On Too Long?

After the initial disappointment I experienced from the start of Dragon Ball Super, I slowly got into it. I felt like, as a fan of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, that I should stick it out and try out more of the series. Heck, I even liked GT (which some readers may find disturbing)! Having said this, the Tournament of Power, the current Dragon Ball Super arc, has been gripping with some excellent moments… But has it gone on for too long?

After the initial disappointment I experienced from the start of Dragon Ball Super, I slowly got into it. I felt like, as a fan of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, that I should stick it out and try out more of the series. Heck, I even liked GT (which some readers may find disturbing)! Having said this, the Tournament of Power, the current Dragon Ball Super arc, has been gripping with some excellent moments… But has it gone on for too long?

Continue reading “Dragon Ball Super: The Tournament of Power – Has It Gone On Too Long?”

Top 10 Half Breeds

When we came up with Half Breeds to put on the list, we didn’t expect it to be a quick and easy one – So we decided we would do something a little bit different. When this one came up as our second most voted from two weeks ago, we knew we could have an actual physical discussion with some fellow geeks. We were at Kitacon this past week; which was a perfect way to get some of our fellow geeks to get their voices heard.

Read on to find out more!

GeekOut Top 10s

When we came up with Half Breeds to put on the list, we didn’t expect it to be a quick and easy one – So we decided we would do something a little bit different. When this one came up as our second most voted from two weeks ago, we knew we could have an actual physical discussion with some fellow geeks. We were at Kitacon this past week; which was a perfect way to get some of our fellow geeks to get their voices heard.

Stay tuned to the GeekOut YouTube channel, as next week you’ll get a glimpse of our ridiculous behind the scenes process in the first and possibly last recorded Top 10. It was great fun, we had some great discussion and we feel we have a nicely rounded list. Be sure to subscribe, because we’d love to share some of the fun we have in creating our lists with you. In the mean time, here’s the product of our efforts, in the Top 10 half-breeds! Continue reading “Top 10 Half Breeds”

Top 10 – Finishing Moves

The fight is fought and won, there is no more glory to be had here, so why are you lingering? Why it’s to finish the job in style of course; because no epic fight is finished with one guy just bleeding from his wounds, or simply limping away to feel sorry for himself. You have to let them know who’s won, you have to do it in style!

GeekOut Top 10s

The fight is fought and won, there is no more glory to be had here, so why are you lingering? Why it’s to finish the job in style of course; because no epic fight is finished with one guy just bleeding from his wounds, or simply limping away to feel sorry for himself. You have to let them know who’s won, you have to do it in style!

Continue reading “Top 10 – Finishing Moves”

Top 10 – Nervous Characters

GeekOut Top 10s

When the going gets tough the tough get going, leaving behind a motley band of wet rags and shaking leaves. Not cowards as such, just people smart enough to know which end of the stick they’d be handed if they followed suit, or at least with enough wit to be concerned about the endless array of terrifying possibilities.

As the tough vanish behind the hills and into adventure, we round up those who have lost their nerve, those with a little too much on their mind, and those who are far too worried about the future to care where they land on the list of Top 10 Nervous Characters. Continue reading “Top 10 – Nervous Characters”