Top 10 – Films That Were Better As Books

GeekOut Top 10s

If I were to tell you that films aren’t always a completely unique script, you’d not be surprised. Book-to-film is quite common these days, where we see plenty of movies being made from literature that should have just stayed that way. Hey, sometimes the movies are actually alright, but we just have to accept the original prose was just better. So, as subjective as this list will be, these are our Top 10 Films That Were Better As Books.

As a warning for this list, when we say books, we are not discounting Graphic Novels, including Manga. You have been warned. Continue reading “Top 10 – Films That Were Better As Books”

10 Great Christmas Books

At this time of the year, people like to take time off work. They like to spend time with their family and to enjoy a nice glass of warm mulled wine. They like to play games, they like to catch up on a spot of reading. Join Timlah as we talk about 10 books that I really like to read around Christmas.

At this time of the year, people like to take time off work. They like to spend time with their family and to enjoy a nice glass of warm mulled wine. They like to play games, they like to catch up on a spot of reading. It’s precisely the right season to be jolly and to fill the mind with a lot of wondrous text – And that’s why you’re here, right audience?! Oh dear, I’ve lost you again haven’t I? Nevermind, for those of you who stuck around, here’s my favourite 10 books to read through the Christmas season.

Continue reading “10 Great Christmas Books”