Top 10 Enemies With Lots of Health

From the insanely difficult, to the just long, neverending slog – Enemies that have a lot of health have been in gaming for a very long time. Indeed, so long, that some of us are still fighting them. If you’ve ever played a video game where you’ve questioned why you’ve had to fight the same battle for so long, then this is the list for you – This is our Top 10 Enemies With Lots of Health.

GeekOut Top 10s

From the insanely difficult, to the just long, neverending slog – Enemies that have a lot of health have been in gaming for a very long time. Indeed, so long, that some of us are still fighting them. If you’ve ever played a video game where you’ve questioned why you’ve had to fight the same battle for so long, then this is the list for you – This is our Top 10 Enemies With Lots of Health.

Continue reading “Top 10 Enemies With Lots of Health”

Top 10 Shields

The enemies are approaching; They’re charging at great haste. Their swords are drawn and their casters are primed and ready. The archers have their arrows drawn – We’re surrounded. Send the soldiers to the front of the lines, we need to show them the best offense is a great defence – We’re going to put our shields up this week, as we check out our Top 10 Shields – We could do with the protection!

GeekOut Top 10s

The enemies are approaching; They’re charging at great haste. Their swords are drawn and their casters are primed and ready. The archers have their arrows drawn – We’re surrounded. Send the soldiers to the front of the lines, we need to show them the best offense is a great defence – We’re going to put our shields up this week, as we check out our Top 10 Shields – We could do with the protection!

Continue reading “Top 10 Shields”

Top 10 Awkward Armours

You voted for it, you got it – It’s the Top 10 Awkward Armour list. From barely being able to walk, to hardly counting as armour at all, these armours are just strange. In this week’s list, we are joined by Kevin Kutlesa from The Mental Attic.

GeekOut Top 10s

Battlelines are drawn, it’s time to get suited into my gear built for war. On goes these boots, which are ten sizes too large; then on goes my helmet, which is too thick to see out of. It doesn’t matter how big and bulky my armour is though, for you see this is my armour which I wear proudly to combat. I don’t know what I can barely move my arms around in this kit, all that matters is that it’s me and my iron suit out there, wreaking havoc!

Of course, that’s all well said and done, but media really is filled with the most awkward armour known. From ladies armour which barely counts as armour, through to oversized suits which you can barely see out of, all that matters is that the armour must be awkward, either by size, weight or strange designs. Join us this week for another Top 10, where we inspect this armoury as critically as we can.

Before we start, we’d like to say a special thanks to Kevin Kutlesa from The Mental Attic, for his contributions to this week’s Top 10. Continue reading “Top 10 Awkward Armours”

Top 10 – Intense Boss Battles

Hard hitting, tricky fights are what makes games so enticing. We enjoy the challenge. We learn what the game teaches us and apply our knowledge to fight off the best they’ve got, using their own rules. This is our Top 10 Intense Boss Battles!

GeekOut Top 10s

Boss battles are a staple of video games, usually combining all of the skills you have learned up until this point with some extra challenge on top. They’re built in such a way to test that the player has understood the core mechanics of the game: But if you haven’t, then you’re not going to succeed (At least, not easily). These are our Top 10 Intense Boss Battles, where the rules are very simple:

  • The battle must make you feel like you’re experiencing a challenge.
  • The battle does not have to be a final boss.

We will not be focusing purely on action games: But RPGs can make an appearance. Heck, even puzzle games sometimes have an intense battle. Here we go… Continue reading “Top 10 – Intense Boss Battles”

August ’15 – Competition Winner

We’re keen to deliver more competitions over on the GeekOut South-West Facebook page. We’re hoping to do more with competitions too. We had a fair few responses to this months competition, but alas, there could only be one winner for this months competition. We put all the names into a hat, we shook the hat, we then threw the hat out of the window. Next we retrieved the hat, threw it into a purging fire and then went to buy a new hat.

GeekOut Competition Banner

From there, we looked inside of our brand new hat, used a magical spell or ten on it and finally we came up with the result. The winner for this months competition is:

Rox from AddAltMode

Congratulations to Rox! If you’ve all not had a chance, please check out AddAltMode, which is a wonderful website that celebrates their geekdoms in a most passionate way!

To Rox: We’ll be contacting you soon so we can sort out the transfer of all of the brilliant games in the Bandai Namco Humble Bundle.

Humble Bandai Namco Bundle

That’s it for this months competition. For the readers of GeekOut South-West, we’ll always announce the competitions on here, warning you to go and check our Facebook channel. When you get a chance to, please do go and give us a Like. We do lots of exclusive content straight to Facebook (mostly due to file sizes of some of our images!)

Competition – August ’15

This month, our competition is open to all of our fans on Facebook. If you give us a like over there, you are in with a chance of winning seven games for the price of zero! If that wasn’t cool enough, the prizes have been sourced by the Humble Bundle, meaning not only are you winning some fun games, you’re winning games that have donated to charity. This months charity is Save The Children, who does wonderful things to help children with education and safety from any harm that may come to them.

This month, our competition is open to all of our fans on Facebook. If you give us a like over there, you are in with a chance of winning seven games for the price of zero! If that wasn’t cool enough, the prizes have been sourced by the Humble Bundle, meaning not only are you winning some fun games, you’re winning games that have donated to charity. This months charity is Save The Children, who does wonderful things to help children with education and safety from any harm that may come to them.

GeekOut Competition Banner

Secret Word: Snuffleupagus

This months Bundle is the Bandai Namco bundle! Amongst these seven games is the infamously tough Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition! Please note, you will need a Steam account to redeem the prizes!

How to win

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is simply find the hidden message somewhere on this page and let us know what it is, by sending us a private message on Facebook. That’s all you have to do. If you were successful, you’ll get a notification from us within 24 hours, saying you’ve been entered into the prize draw for the seven games.

Humble Bandai Namco Bundle

The competition officially starts at 3pm on Facebook, but as readers of GeekOut South-West, you can begin searching right now! Just remember to not spoil it for the others and send us a Private Message on Facebook, not a public message!

But wait, there’s more!

Currently, there are seven games up for grabs. Over the coming days and weeks, this might increase. If the Humble Bundle include more games in this months Humble Bundle, then you’ll get all the late additions, too.

So what are you waiting for? Look around the page for the hidden word today!

Cosplayer Highlight – Komplex

Welcome to Cosplayer Highlight, where we are joined by an incredible Cosplayer from the cosplay community.

Today we’re joined by a familiar face from a previous Cosplayer Highlight in Komplex from the Cosplay Duo, the British Bumpkins. We thought we’d interview these two lovely ladies separately this time around and see what’s new for each of them.

So read on for another awesome interview with an incredible member of the cosplay community.

Welcome to Cosplayer Highlight, where we are joined by an incredible Cosplayer from the cosplay community.

Today we’re joined by a familiar face from a previous Cosplayer Highlight in Komplex from the Cosplay Duo, the British Bumpkins. We thought we’d interview these two lovely ladies separately this time around and see what’s new for each of them.

So read on for another awesome interview with an incredible member of the cosplay community.

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – Komplex”

Top 10 Dragons in Gaming

We’re back ladies and gentlemen for another truly exciting Top 10, where this week we’re joined by our friend Kevin Kutlesa for another day of figuring out what should be in our top 10 and what just doesn’t cut the mustard.

Today then we’re looking at our Top 10 Dragons in Gaming. Quite an exciting feat even if we do say so ourselves. So take a deep flaming breath and be prepared to roar your scales off as we take a look what dragons are dangerous enough to make the cut!

We’re back ladies and gentlemen for another truly exciting Top 10, where this week we’re joined by our friend Kevin Kutlesa for another day of figuring out what should be in our top 10 and what just doesn’t cut the mustard.

Today then we’re looking at our Top 10 Dragons in Gaming. Quite an exciting feat even if we do say so ourselves. So take a deep flaming breath and be prepared to roar your scales off as we take a look what dragons are dangerous enough to make the cut!

Top10 Banner

Continue reading “Top 10 Dragons in Gaming”