Cosplayer Highlight – Rose Cosplay

In this weeks Cosplayer Highlight, I’m able to get to chat to Rose Cosplay, who does some simply stunning World of Warcraft cosplays and more. Thank you for your time Bryony – Everyone else, read on!

Welcome to cosplayer highlight, where we look to share insider tips and tricks from the cosplay community, how you can get into the hobby yourself and generally trade wonderful stories about the cosplayers.

Today, we’re joined by a cosplayer, Bryony Harris, who has a large following on Facebook. She really does deserve more attention for her outstanding work as Warcraft characters, as well as all of the amazing work she does in cosplay. She is also a friend of a cosplayer we’ve previously had an interview with, Komplex.

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – Rose Cosplay”

Cosplayer Highlight – Moonset Cosplay

Are you a fan of comics? DC and Marvel comics?! Do you want to see some awesome cosplays by another member of the amazing cosplay community? Check out Neil Whitehead of Moonset Cosplay – you won’t regret it!

Welcome back to Cosplayer Highlight, where we delve into the creative minds of some craft-smart people who like to get dressed up, becoming a character… and they also tell us why they do what they do!

This week we’re joined by Moonset Cosplay, the partner of Lion Pride Cosplay. I’ve seen this guys works and honestly, he does some amazing cosplays from comics (Marvel/DC). Along with Rebecca, we’ve been spoilt by an incredible cosplaying duo. It’s time for us to see the other side of the coin of these two, because we’re about to see some amazing hero and villain cosplays, along with our usual hard hitting questions (that really aren’t hard hitting at all).

With all this said and done: It’s time for us to get back into the swing of things and question our next interviewee!

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – Moonset Cosplay”

Cosplayer Highlight – Komplex

Welcome to Cosplayer Highlight, where we are joined by an incredible Cosplayer from the cosplay community.

Today we’re joined by a familiar face from a previous Cosplayer Highlight in Komplex from the Cosplay Duo, the British Bumpkins. We thought we’d interview these two lovely ladies separately this time around and see what’s new for each of them.

So read on for another awesome interview with an incredible member of the cosplay community.

Welcome to Cosplayer Highlight, where we are joined by an incredible Cosplayer from the cosplay community.

Today we’re joined by a familiar face from a previous Cosplayer Highlight in Komplex from the Cosplay Duo, the British Bumpkins. We thought we’d interview these two lovely ladies separately this time around and see what’s new for each of them.

So read on for another awesome interview with an incredible member of the cosplay community.

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – Komplex”

Cosplayer Highlight – TPJerematic

Welcome back once more to Cosplayer Highlight. You might have noticed this week was a two for one special – That’s because this was the one that was due last week, but we suffered a technical hitch.

The video didn’t come out as intended, so instead of wasting the slot, we figured we’d fill this week with not one, but two Cosplayer Highlight articles just for you lovely readers.

Much like the person we interviewed today, Komplex from The British Bumpkins, TPJerematic has been interviewed by us before. As he’s helped us provide some awesome pictures of cosplayers before, I thought I’d provide not an interview this time, but an update and a special thanks to TPJerematic.

Welcome back once more to Cosplayer Highlight. You might have noticed this week was a two for one special – That’s because this was the one that was due last week, but we suffered a technical hitch.

The video didn’t come out as intended, so instead of wasting the slot, we figured we’d fill this week with not one, but two Cosplayer Highlight articles just for you lovely readers.

Much like the person we interviewed today, Komplex from The British Bumpkins, TPJerematic has been interviewed by us before. As he’s helped us provide some awesome pictures of cosplayers before, I thought I’d provide not an interview this time, but an update and a special thanks to TPJerematic.

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – TPJerematic”

Cosplayer Highlight – Addaltmode’s Rox

Welcome to the fourth episode in this new series of Cosplayer Highlight, where we have a sit down and a discussion with cosplayers around the world.

Today, we reached out to the blogging community itself. I found this awesome blog called Addaltmode, which featured a Cosplayer who took on a Cosplay project that would transform her life forever. Well perhaps it wouldn’t transform her life so immediately, but at least it was a transformer, so the transform part sticks, right?

Enough tomfoolery from me, it’s time to introduce you to this weeks awesome Cosplayer Highlight guest!

Welcome to the fourth episode in this new series of Cosplayer Highlight, where we have a sit down and a discussion with cosplayers around the world.

Today, we reached out to the blogging community itself. I found this awesome blog called Addaltmode, which featured a Cosplayer who took on a Cosplay project that would transform her life forever. Well perhaps it wouldn’t transform her life so immediately, but at least it was a transformer, so the transform part sticks, right?

Enough tomfoolery from me, it’s time to introduce you to this weeks awesome Cosplayer Highlight guest!
Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – Addaltmode’s Rox”

Cosplayer Highlight – Lion Pride Cosplay

Welcome back to Cosplayer Highlight, where we speak to members of the cosplay community about their experiences, backgrounds and get advice from them for anyone intrigued enough to try cosplay.

We’re on week three and this week we’re speaking to a wonderful cosplayer who I first met over on Facebook. We got talking about the series and having looked around their page, honestly… There are some gems in there.

So it’s with pleasure I introduce to you our next amazing cosplayer… Rebecca Carter from Lion Pride Cosplay.

Welcome back to Cosplayer Highlight, where we speak to members of the cosplay community about their experiences, backgrounds and get advice from them for anyone intrigued enough to try cosplay.

We’re on week three and this week we’re speaking to a wonderful cosplayer who I first met over on Facebook. We got talking about the series and having looked around their page, honestly… There are some gems in there.

So it’s with pleasure I introduce to you our next amazing cosplayer… Rebecca Carter from Lion Pride Cosplay.

Continue reading “Cosplayer Highlight – Lion Pride Cosplay”

Cosplayer Highlight – Andy Valentine

Cosplayer Highlight

Welcome back once more ladies and gents to another week of Cosplayer Highlight.

We’re slowly coming towards an end of this series *Audible groan of sadness from everyone*. Yes, it’s sad I know. But don’t worry – We’ve got another 5 great interviews including todays one which is with the awesome Andy Valentine. We’ll then be wrapping up the series at Alcon where we’ll grab a bunch of cosplayers and do a podcast. Oh yes, we will! If you’re coming to Alcon, drop me an e-mail at and we’ll get you involved! Otherwise, I might just randomly run up to people and get them involved in some way!

Andy has been taking commissions for a while now and has been gaining more and more popularity, even being asked to be a guest for some conventions. He sells props and costumes via his store which is powered by Etsy. Genuinely an interested and interesting individual who I noticed is attending Alcon, Andy took the time to sit down and have an interview with us. Let’s see what he has to offer!

Interview with the Cosplayer – Andy Valentine


Q: Welcome to GeekOut South-West! In case our readers are unaware who you are, could you give us an introduction of yourself?

A: Hey. I’m Andy Valentine of Valentine Cosplay. I’m obviously a cosplayer, but also a prop and costume maker based out of Bristol.


Q: I’d first like to thank you – I’ve known about your cosplays since I started cosplaying (last year) and I find them incredible. When did it all start for you? What were the driving factors behind your first costume?

A: Actually not all that long ago in the scheme of things. I went to my first con mid 2013 so have only really been on the circuit for a little over a year. My first cosplay was a version of Ezio from Assassin’s Creed 2 which I’d just replayed in the weeks leading up to it and re-discovered a love for the character. At the time, I’d never used a sewing machine, never hammered, cut, or finished leather, never made foam armour; none of the things I needed to do in order to construct the outfit, so it was a major learning curve and threw me right in at the deep end.


Q: How proud were you of your Ezio costume, have you modified it since and would you do anything more on it?

A: Initially, not proud at all. When I finished the build, I stood back and looked at it, then looked at the skills I’d picked up along the way, and decided that I could definitely make it better, so I started the whole thing again. By the time I got to the end of version two, I was proud with what I’d done. The first time I put it all on and looked in a mirror I thought “Damn, I can’t believe this was a pile of fabric a few weeks ago”. I still love that feeling.

Since the con, I’ve sold that outfit, so there won’t be anything more done to it. Not by me anyway. Version one I still wear out sometimes though. I installed EL wire around the trim of the outer tunic so that it glows at night and wore it to BrisFest last year. That thing got a lot of love amongst the drunks.


Q: Your Facebook page shows just how professionally and seriously you take cosplaying and it’s a real delight to read through. We recently did an article on the upcoming calendar: Men vs Cosplay. When did you decide you wanted to take that next step in your costume work? Was the step from hobbyist to a more professional level tricky?

A: To be honest, I still entirely consider myself a hobbyist, albeit a hobbyist that is getting some amazing opportunities. Being ‘successful’ within the community isn’t all that difficult I find. Obviously, being able to construct quality cosplays is a must, but also it’s an attitude thing. If you’re a decent human being and other people like you, they’ll share your stuff and you’ll get more exposure. If the professional photographers like you, they’ll want to photograph you in your outfits, meaning the quality of the photos taken of you increases, and thus the cycle of increased sharing begins again. This wheel keeps turning and eventually the right person will see your stuff and want to work with you. This is how I got asked to be in the Men vs Cosplay calendar. The organiser saw a photo of mine taken by the very reputable photographer Lucas from Super Cosplay Guys / Girls and invited me to be a part of it, so obviously I jumped at the chance. That’s the other tip: make yourself available.

One of Andys WIPs at the moment


Q: We ask this question of all of the cosplayers who do interviews with us here on GeekOut South-West: What costumes have you done; which were your proudest and least favourites?

A: Ok… so, in chronological order:

Ezio – Assassin’s Creed 2
Commander Shepard – Mass Effect 2
NCR Veteran – Fallout New Vegas
Vaas – Far Cry 3
Prince of Persia – Warrior Within
The Lone Wanderer – Fallout 3
Kurt Cobain – Nirvana
Tom Raider (Rule 63 Lara Croft) – Tomb Raider
“Dick in a Box” – Lonely Island Music Video

Andy as Tom Raider (Rule 63 for those who don’t know is for any fictional character of any gender, you will be able to find the same character as the opposite gender).

Fortunately I can still remember them all considering it’s only been a year. What a fun year it’s been though!

My favourite one to date was the Fallout Lone Wanderer. I tried to take that outfit to as “other level” as I could and had tonnes of little details in it, including a glowing Nuka Cola Quantum, my business cards were in a Mentats tin, full leather armour, screen accurate 10mm Pistol, and a massive AER-9 Laser Rifle. I had a bunch of photoshoots with some amazing photographers in that attire and was so overwhelmed by the results. The attention it got on convention floors was unbelievable too. Definitely a franchise I intend to revisit, costume wise.

Worst moment was probably Prince of Persia. The armour and whatnot was fine, but I made some bad fabric choices for the trousers and wrap, as well as using a poor quality wig, and now looking back at it I can’t help but see the issues. We all learn from out mistakes though, so onwards and upwards from there.

Ooh, very er… glow-y! Thanks to this Instructable for this picture!


Q: I’ve noticed you are extremely engaged with all of your fans, how often do you get approached by newer cosplayers who are looking for advice and inspiration to move to that next level?

A: Roughly three or four times a day. I get a lot of messages on my page from people wanting advice or tips, or just wanting me to plug their new page (not something I do, but that’s a side point). I think engagement with your followers is key. Heck, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for the love and support I get from those guys, so I owe them everything. That’s why I like to give back whenever I can, and I’m always happy to help someone out if I can.

Snake? SNAKE!? — I’m not finishing this joke.


Q: In this interview so far, we’ve discussed your costumes and your geekdoms. We know about the costumes you’ve made but the next question we have revolves around the convention scene. Which have you attended? Do you think the convention scene is important for cosplayers and why?

A: As far as conventions go, I go to pretty much as many as I can afford, though that’s getting easier now that I’m being approached to go as a guest more often. I’ve been to loads all up and down the UK: too many to list really. I’ve haven’t really got any preference of the kind of event, so like to try and explore as many different ones as I can.

Not only is it important for a cosplayer to get “out there” and have your work seen, but they’re a hell of a lot of fun. I get to spend a weekend surrounded by awesome people who like the same stuff that I do, chilling out, having a few drinks and laughs, meeting my followers, and admiring everyone else’s cosplays. If nothing else, you can pick up loads of inspiration from what other people have made too.


Q: When the costume is off, what are you like as a person? Do you feel any different when you are wearing a costume?

A: I’m wouldn’t say I’m a different person really. Maybe a tad milder when I’m at home, but not a lot. If I’m not strutting around in cosplay, I’m typically making it, or planning it, or exploring one of the geekdoms that lead me to it. Also, I flutter between feelings of finding it weird how often I get recognised as a con with strangers coming up to me who know me, through to finding it odd that people don’t recognise me in my regular life (and why would they, really?). It’s like I’m living two lives sometimes, but I quite like that.


Q: We love to celebrate Geekdoms of all kinds and we like to get together and discuss. Stepping away from cosplay for a moment then: What other geeky hobbies do you have? Would you say it’s fairly common amongst fellow cosplayers?

A: 100%. At the end of the day, something lead us all down this path, and I don’t think it matters what it was, just that we all got here. Personally, outside of cosplay, I also LARP, although I’m super new to that and still finding my place in the world there, but it’s super fun and certainly something I’m looking forward to exploring more. I’m a big gaming fan too – hence so many of my cosplays being based on computer game characters. I play a lot of PlayStation and Xbox online with my friends and love collaborative gameplay. Other than that, I’m a bit of a sci-fi nerd. I’m actually working on a full sleeve tattoo of all the Star Wars bounty hunters at the moment. That tells you quite a lot about me really. If it’s got Boba Fett on it, I want it.


Q: Thank you for your time with us so far. This is the last question but please: Humour us here. This week, you are our “Super Sensei Guru” and a cosplayer wants to take the next step in making costumes and props, they also want to start working with more complex materials. They’re unsure how to get started and they don’t have much space. How important is it to have your own space and tools to work with more complex materials?

A: Unfortunately, it can often be pretty vital. Wood especially. Take it from someone who set up his first workshop in his spare room: sawdust gets everywhere. If you have a small amount of outdoor space it’s ideal. I tend to do my woodwork in the garden now that the weather is better, and it means the house stays in a much better shape. As for tools, you can get off the ground with pretty inexpensive equipment. I always recommend starting with any old jigsaw and mouse hand sander (about £20 a time) but then the best dremel (official Dremel tools) that you can afford, as that is the most used item in my toolbox by a mile. I use a Dremel 3000 (which are still only about £45) with an extension shaft and it’s amazing for creating smooth curves in wood, finishing foam, trimming clay, cutting metal; just everything that any budding cosplayer and prop maker might need. The good ones come with long warrantees too, which trust me, you’ll be thankful for.

Once you have your tools, get on YouTube. There is such a wealth of information on that site that it’s really easy to find out how to do things. That’s pretty much how I learnt most of what I know now. That plus trial and error. Don’t be afraid to mess something up nine times, as the tenth time you may well nail it. Practice, practice, practice and you’ll get there eventually.


I’d like to extend my thanks to Andy Valentine for taking his time to have this interview with us today.

Getting to that “next stage” is something that not every cosplayer would want to do. For me, I’d like to get to the point where all of my costumes look relatively professional – But not necessarily to the stage where I’d be taken from place to place. I love the interaction between fans – Even the interaction between the people and the costumes. Ultimately, it’s down to what you want to get out of cosplay; be it a chance to mingle or a chance to be seen. It’s always amazing to think that with a costume on, you’re not just a face in the crowd, but instead a distinguishable character.

An interesting point Andy raised in the above interview was the power of YouTube for information. Everything I’ve done has been from watching YouTube, including knowing what kind of materials to get. Then there’s the case of using the correct tools for the job. Thanks to this interview I went out and got myself a “wannabe Dremel” after having looked it all up. Money gets tight, so you never know – Perhaps having a wannabe Dremel (which cost me a mere £20) will then lead to me getting an actual Dremel. I also finally got myself something a bit more than a single surgical knife because it got quite tiresome cutting foam and fabrics with that tiny little thing!

Join us again next week for another awesome Cosplayer Highlight, where we’re rejoined by a lovely member of the Anime League forums.

GeekOut South-West Social 13/06/2014

Ooh yes, welcome once again everyone, it appears that we’ll be doing another GeekOut South-West pub meet this Friday the 13th!

So I thought I’d go over a quick bit of history before we continue with this post!

The first GeekOut South-West event was held back in October 2013 and it consisted of me and one other. We stuck at it and we met some fellow geeks on our night out. It wasn’t a big deal, we weren’t disheartened and the next event we had a group of about 6-7. Not bad!

We then joined Meetup around January and boy, has the social group grown?

We’ve come from just the few of us to a group of over 60 social geeks in a few months.

GeekOut Sam

This silly little image was put together to represent what we wanted: We wanted you to come and GeekOut. We’ve met so many people on the journey of this group and now I’m actually going to be investing in a proper camera. How exciting!

Meeting 1001-Up

The events lack pictures here on the GeekOut South-West blog, so this time around, I’ll make sure we get plenty of snaps taken! My phone isn’t known for its picture quality as has been evidenced previously on this website.

Poor quality photo, awesome quality people (Thanks to Kim and Phil of 1001-Up)
Poor quality photo, hottest quality people (Thanks to Kim and Phil of 1001-Up and our dear friend: Slenderman!)

After I met Kim and Phil at Kitacon (Well, technically, I dragged them as they were willing to be dragged to Kitacon), we got chatting and I joined in with 1001-Up. You should definitely check them out as that website rocks. I love writing with such an awesome team and I am learning to curb my enthusiasm for commas. Overuse of commas can be the root of all evil, just ask Kim!

But then GeekOut South-West took another turn! We needed another writer here on GeekOut South-West! We needed someone who shared the vision of branching our geekdoms out to more people and stop the segregation of geekdoms.

Introducing Joel

That's him, the tall chap!
That’s him, the tall chap! That’s me, the small chap! We are both in black and red. The colour scheme of this site is… Black and red (and grey). It was fate!

So I had known Joel ever since Ayacon Apocalypse 2013, which as some of you will be aware is the only reason GeekOut South-West exists.

We had been in regular contact ever since and we had formed a friendship mostly around the same ideas. I had been a fan of his website Quotes from the Tabletop since the day I met him, so I wanted to help him out a bit.

GeekOut took off in a lovely way and as such, I sheepishly approached him with a line of dialogue not unlike the following:

Timlah: “Well Joel… I know this is crazy and all, I mean you know if you’d like a chance to, I’d love to have you blog over on –“



So okay, the conversation went nothing like that, but we’ve been enjoying some thoroughly high quality posts courtesy of Joel here on GeekOut South-West. We’ve both taken up tasks of having “series”… And now Joel is working on another little project for us awesome people here at GeekOut South-West.

Thank you for joining us, buddy! Everyone check out the DMing 101 series!

If you’re going to ALCon this year, why not come say hello to me down there and Joel too? We’d love to meet you and hey, perhaps you could have a face to face interview with us? :D

In the mean time, to keep you pre-occupied here on GeekOut South-West, why not check out as well as Joels amazing DMing 101 series, my Kickstarter Highlight and Cosplayer Highlight posts?

Back to the social event

This coming social event will be held at The Bag Of Nails, which is a really small but really awesome little pub. The owner lets his cats wander around the pub which is simply adorable and there are board games galore behind the bar.

We will start at The Bag Of Nails, from 7pm.

If/once it gets too crowded in there for us lot, we’ll head down to our usual: The King William Ale House. Because why not?

Are you in Bristol or nearby and can make it this Friday for this event? Excellent! Click the Meetup button below!

Click here for the Meetup page!


Well, I thought today I’d at least update people about some of the history of GeekOut South-West as well as briefly discuss the future. We’ll be doing more and more here on the GeekOut South-West blog… So stay tuned and thanks for sticking with us so far!

Simply put: You guys rock!