Top 10 Fourth Wall Breakers

To break the fourth wall is a theatre trick, to engage with the audience at some level. Sometimes you may turn them into a mob, or you may decide to talk to them such as in pantomime (“Oh no he didn’t!”, “Oh yes he did!”) There are more subtle uses of the Fourth Wall however, some of them are semi-contained within…

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Your votes once again led us to a tie! We’re shocked and astonished at how well received some of our topic choices have been this year. Now as I cast my eye out towards each and every one of you reading this Top 10, I ponder if you are really there or if you are all a figment of our imaginations, as we look towards our favourite Fourth Wall Breakers.

To break the fourth wall is a theatre trick, to engage with the audience at some level. Sometimes you may turn them into a mob, or you may decide to talk to them such as in pantomime (“Oh no he didn’t!”, “Oh yes he did!”) There are more subtle uses of the Fourth Wall however, some of them are semi-contained below… We couldn’t completely contain them, they reached out of the computer and told us not to. Continue reading “Top 10 Fourth Wall Breakers”

Top 10 Rodents in Gaming

You tied the vote, so we carried the swing of the decision! So I guess you can blame us for the fact that you’re stood on the kitchen table, taping your trouser legs closed to make sure these ratty devils don’t get up there and bite somewhere essential.

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You tied the vote, so we carried the swing of the decision! So I guess you can blame us for the fact that you’re stood on the kitchen table, taping your trouser legs closed to make sure these ratty devils don’t get up there and bite somewhere essential.

Welcome you poor nervous fools to our Top 10 rodents in the world of games. We have adopted our standard method of arguing until our fingers hurt (because we talk on Steam) about whether or not a rabbit is a rodent (turns out it’s not, damn you overly specific zoologists!) and whether Pikachu or Rattata deserves their place here or not. Guess you’re going to have to scroll for that one. Continue reading “Top 10 Rodents in Gaming”