Top 10 Serial Killers

Always an uneasy subject in any world, fiction or nonfiction alike, a serial killer is a dangerous, strangely motivated individual. They focus usually on a specific niche, but they typically spread their killings around. For those of you who are already feeling scared, don’t worry, this is a spoiler free and safe list. Now uh, be prepared to sleep with one eye open, as we cut through our Top 10 Serial Killers.

GeekOut Top 10s

Always an uneasy subject in any world, fiction or nonfiction alike, a serial killer is a dangerous, strangely motivated individual. They focus usually on a specific niche, but they typically spread their killings around. For those of you who are already feeling scared, don’t worry, this is a spoiler free and safe list. Now uh, be prepared to sleep with one eye open, as we cut through our Top 10 Serial Killers.

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Top 10 Weaponised Toys

What was once a symbol of childish innocence and the joyous revelries of youth so easily turned into an engine of death. Perhaps by design, by mistake, by technology or by mysticism, there’s nothing quite so creepy as a toy turned deadly. Despite their cuddly and fun exterior, you wouldn’t want your kids playing with these…

GeekOut Top 10s

What was once a symbol of childish innocence and the joyous revelries of youth so easily turned into an engine of death. Perhaps by design, by mistake, by technology or by mysticism, there’s nothing quite so creepy as a toy turned deadly. Despite their cuddly and fun exterior, you wouldn’t want your kids playing with these…

Or would you?

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Top 10 Scary Kids

This weeks top 10 is bought to you by Timlah – Sorry that you’re feeling unwell Joel! Get well soon buddy. But this weeks Top 10 was helped by GeekOut Bristol’s very own Jake.

GeekOut Top 10s

Let’s face the facts here – Children know how to be downright terrifying at times. They lurk behind your door and say “Hi!” Without any hesitation, knowing they’re going to send you into cardiac arrest. They’re brutal, malicious, terrif– I’m being a bit dramatic here, but you get the point. Sometimes, especially in media, kids know how to be scary. But that’s fine, because they make a great list for our Top 10!

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