TV Review: Christmas 2016

There’s one last bit of ‘Christmas’ and ‘New Year’ to deal with and that’s what the TV was like during Christmas and the New Year. Timlah talks us through Christmas 2016 in telly.

Alright, there’s one last bit of ‘Christmas’ and ‘New Year’ to deal with and that’s what the TV was like during Christmas and the New Year. I specified Christmas, as they usually say they’re a Christmas special, even when they happen after Christmas is over for another year. Nevermind – As this year we had a hell of a treat on TV, as well as a highly amusing yearly wipe by Charlie Brooker. Now, don’t worry, we’ll mainly focus on the geekier of the three things I was looking forward to the most… But the purpose of this article is just to explain the why we have Christmas specials and why this year was pretty good, but certainly not the best year for them.

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