Top 10 Reborn Characters

Rebirth, resurrection, metamorphosis, here assembled are characters who undergo transformative experiences, generally involving some period of death, or at least dormancy (at least one cocoon).

While we ourselves undergo a time of great change and transformation, here is our Top 10 list of characters who have been reborn.

GeekOut Top 10s

Rebirth, resurrection, metamorphosis, here assembled are characters who undergo transformative experiences, generally involving some period of death, or at least dormancy (at least one cocoon).

While we ourselves undergo a time of great change and transformation, here is our Top 10 list of characters who have been reborn.

Continue reading “Top 10 Reborn Characters”

Top 10 Cults

Greetings brothers and sisters and welcome, to our humble little family. Do not be put off by the burning Satanic rings around the place, for we’re merely in the process of redecoration. We’ve got a simple test to see if you’re worthy to join us, or if you might not fit our requirements. Today, we’re going to share with you our list – Our Top 10 Cults. Be prepared, for you’re about to learn about some of the limitations of the human brain.

GeekOut Top 10s

Greetings brothers and sisters and welcome, to our humble little family. Do not be put off by the burning Satanic rings around the place, for we’re merely in the process of redecoration. We’ve got a simple test to see if you’re worthy to join us, or if you might not fit our requirements. Today, we’re going to share with you our list – Our Top 10 Cults. Be prepared, for you’re about to learn about some of the limitations of the human brain.

Continue reading “Top 10 Cults”

Top 10 – Spaceships

GeekOut Top 10s

Ah space, it’s the final frontier and all that jazz. However, what you may not really think about on a regular basis is all of the great spaceships that have graced our media. Whatever you think about space, or sci-fi as a whole, you can’t deny that the vast quantities of planets out in pop culture can only be explored with the help of our giant metal vessels. So, without further adieu, here is our Top 10 Spaceships! Continue reading “Top 10 – Spaceships”

Top 10 Half Breeds

When we came up with Half Breeds to put on the list, we didn’t expect it to be a quick and easy one – So we decided we would do something a little bit different. When this one came up as our second most voted from two weeks ago, we knew we could have an actual physical discussion with some fellow geeks. We were at Kitacon this past week; which was a perfect way to get some of our fellow geeks to get their voices heard.

Read on to find out more!

GeekOut Top 10s

When we came up with Half Breeds to put on the list, we didn’t expect it to be a quick and easy one – So we decided we would do something a little bit different. When this one came up as our second most voted from two weeks ago, we knew we could have an actual physical discussion with some fellow geeks. We were at Kitacon this past week; which was a perfect way to get some of our fellow geeks to get their voices heard.

Stay tuned to the GeekOut YouTube channel, as next week you’ll get a glimpse of our ridiculous behind the scenes process in the first and possibly last recorded Top 10. It was great fun, we had some great discussion and we feel we have a nicely rounded list. Be sure to subscribe, because we’d love to share some of the fun we have in creating our lists with you. In the mean time, here’s the product of our efforts, in the Top 10 half-breeds! Continue reading “Top 10 Half Breeds”

Top 10 Space Battles

Space… the final frontier, and like any untamed wilderness there are always struggles and conflicts for the resources and strategic advantages they might offer. While the physics, tactics, and possibilities offered by all out space-combat might go under utilised and appreciated in modern media, there’s one thing we can do in film, TV, and games, and that’s make it look epic!

GeekOut Top 10s

Space… the final frontier, and like any untamed wilderness there are always struggles and conflicts for the resources and strategic advantages they might offer. While the physics, tactics, and possibilities offered by all out space-combat might go under utilised and appreciated in modern media, there’s one thing we can do in film, TV, and games, and that’s make it look epic!

Though the loss of life may be tremendous, and the horrors of war are made even more heartbreaking when the fallen are cast adrift in the endless dark… but damn it looks pretty! Here’s the Top 10 Space Battles.

Continue reading “Top 10 Space Battles”

Top 10 – Governing Bodies

GeekOut Top 10s

While freedom is a noble thing to strive for, it is a matter for philosophers to debate whether we can truly be free without a force to control our actions. With so much to organise within a society it’s a full time job just to keep it all together, and it’s not a job for one person, no matter how much a tyrant might proclaim divine right or absolute power.

Join us dear readers, as we explore some of the greatest, geekiest examples of governments and governing bodies, from the courts of kings to the elected councils and the self appointed committees, and a few in between. Welcome to the Top 10 Governing Bodies. Continue reading “Top 10 – Governing Bodies”

Top 10 – Eyepatch Wearers

GeekOut Top 10s

Ah yes, the simple eyepatch. It’s not always the most fashionable thing to wear, but for some people it acts as a nice aid to stop them from enduring intense pain. For others, it prevents them from remembering how they got their horrific accident in the first place. Or it just makes you a bit of an awesome looking pirate. Regardless how these characters got their patches, they deserved to make the list.

So join us as we eye-up the candidates for our Top 10 Eyepatch Wearers. These guys and girls are certainly an interesting bunch. Continue reading “Top 10 – Eyepatch Wearers”