Video Game Review: Aviary Attorney

Objection! At least that’s what I would say, except in this example we don’t need to object to anything. Instead, we just need to point out contradictions politely and in the most effective ways possible – With cold hard facts. Thankfully, we have a professional duo to help uncover the facts of these murder cases, in a pun-filled game akin to Phoenix Wright. If you’re a fan of courtroom games, then this is definitely one you should add to your list. Before you do, come check out our thoughts on the bird-based Aviary Attorney. Before I continue with this review, a huge thanks to Vivi who sent me this game as a gift on my birthday. You know my sense of humour far too well!

Objection! At least that’s what I would say, except in this example we don’t need to object to anything. Instead, we just need to point out contradictions politely and in the most effective ways possible – With cold hard facts. Thankfully, we have a professional duo to help uncover the facts of these murder cases, in a pun-filled game akin to Phoenix Wright. If you’re a fan of courtroom games, then this is definitely one you should add to your list. Before you do, come check out our thoughts on the bird-based Aviary Attorney. Before I continue with this review, a huge thanks to Vivi who sent me this game as a gift on my birthday. You know my sense of humour far too well!

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