Top 10 Media Dealing With Tough Subjects

Media, such as films, games, tv and literature, has always had to share with us some great stories. Whether it’s a story of friendship, power or love, we’ve always had a story we can sit back and enjoy. But not every story is the same – Not every story has happy endings. Indeed, not every story was written to make us comfortable. Instead, it’s a sharp, stark reminder of what the real world can be like. This week, check out our Top 10 Media Dealing with Tough Subjects.

Media, such as films, games, tv and literature, has always had to share with us some great stories. Whether it’s a story of friendship, power or love, we’ve always had a story we can sit back and enjoy. But not every story is the same – Not every story has happy endings. Indeed, not every story was written to make us comfortable. Instead, it’s a sharp, stark reminder of what the real world can be like. This week, check out our Top 10 Media Dealing with Tough Subjects.

WARNING: Going into this one, we will be discussing some difficult subjects in as clean a manner as we can. However, if any of the topics are a bit too much for you, please skip it!

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Top 10 Female Protagonists

Often underrepresented, but never underappreciated – The women of anime, comics, film and video games are here. Who is our top woman in all media? Who has the strength, the resolve, the skill and the brains? We were surprised we hadn’t made a Top 10 Female Protagonists list before, so we figured we’d right that wrong, as we check out our favourite women in all different media.

Often underrepresented, but never underappreciated – The women of anime, comics, film and video games are here. Who is our top woman in all media? Who has the strength, the resolve, the skill and the brains? We were surprised we hadn’t made a Top 10 Female Protagonists list before, so we figured we’d right that wrong, as we check out our favourite women in all different media.

Continue reading “Top 10 Female Protagonists”

Top 10 Aliens

They come in peace – But other times they come to turn your land into pieces, or just evaporated all together. Aliens are a tricky subject to get right; Do you make them into an evil species whose sole purpose is to cause carnage and mayhem? Or perhaps you turn them into a long forgotten race who is looking for their way in the cruel, dark universe. Whatever you like to think of when you think of an alien, there’s no doubt there’s many of them in pop culture.

GeekOut Top 10s

They come in peace – But other times they come to turn your land into pieces, or just evaporated all together. Aliens are a tricky subject to get right; Do you make them into an evil species whose sole purpose is to cause carnage and mayhem? Or perhaps you turn them into a long forgotten race who is looking for their way in the cruel, dark universe. Whatever you like to think of when you think of an alien, there’s no doubt there’s many of them in pop culture.

Continue reading “Top 10 Aliens”

The Changing Trends

We’re normal…

I’ll start that again.

By and large we’re more normal than we’d care to admit, just as prone to the same habits as those we’d refer to as “normal people”, just as susceptible to hype and we still tend to spawn a cycle of trends. It may not be clothing or music trends as such, but there is one field in which we dominate the culture… or maybe the field impacts us more deeply than others?

Couldn’t say, cause and effect is a bit fuzzy here. Here’s a retrospective on genres in film and television. Continue reading “The Changing Trends”

Geeking Out Hard – Horror Films

I am a man who finds different things to obsess over in phases, for maybe a month or two at a time. You may recall not too long ago it was Borderlands, but with Hallowe’en just passed and a few articles done on the subject of horror I have found myself chain-watching horror films of all types and listening to Librivox H.P. Lovecraft books.


Continue reading “Geeking Out Hard – Horror Films”