Top 10 – Film Soundtracks

GeekOut Top 10s

Ah soundtracks, they’re like music to my ears… Well that’s because they are, as when you first sit down to a movie, it’s quite often that you’re assaulted by this wonderful collection of instruments and score. The composers often go by unappreciated in a film, but is it fair? In this Top 10, we’re looking at our personal favourite film soundtracks, some of which have been immortalised for a very long time. Put your headphones on, folks! Continue reading “Top 10 – Film Soundtracks”

Re-watching Akira

Recently, Chris took a trip to Bristols Cube Cinema to watch Akira. How did he find watching it on a big screen again after all this time? Chris tells us all!

I watched my first anime back in my early teens, I think I started with the bizarre and rather extreme Fist Of The North Star. Now I am no Anime aficionado, but I like to think I know great animation and story when I see it. Akira (the film) was adapted from a comic book and released in 1988 and I remember renting it from a local video store in the early 90’s and I remember distinctly being blown away by the entire film. I will say that I didn’t exactly understand the movie when I first saw it but since then I have seen it several more times and now understand the storyline and appreciate the whole movie just a lot more than I did in the first place.

Continue reading “Re-watching Akira”