Top 10 – Fictional Celebrities

Late post from us today, but today we’re going to check out these famous… Fictional people!

GeekOut Top 10s

Worlds filled with fictional characters require people to fulfil every role. While we may follow the riveting adventures of school children and taxi drivers, they remain fascinated by popular characters that are only popular to them. You’ll never see a film starring these actors, nor read the works of the authors listed here, but to someone who doesn’t exist they’re very, very real.

If that made any sense, plough on gentle reader, through our Top 10 Fictional Celebrities. Continue reading “Top 10 – Fictional Celebrities”

Getting Into Character

As I’ve grown older I’ve come to more deeply appreciate the role of the director in the film industry, to the point where I’ll look for the directors credentials on a new film before I give much thought to the actors involved. That said, there’s a real difference when an actor actually enjoys what they’re doing and the characters that they’re playing.

For The Love Of It

Some actors just straight up love what they do, and as geek culture grows stronger and more and more celebrities get insanely passionate about those characters that they always wanted to play from comics. We all know I’m talking about Ryan Reynolds, but he’s not the only one. Continue reading “Getting Into Character”


The acting world is full of big names. They seem to cycle who’s popular, and who’s busy at any given time, but there are a few that just don’t get the accolades and recognition they deserve. While many actors rise to become household names for decade-long stretches, some are forever known as “Oh hey, it’s him! Wasn’t he in… um…” Continue reading “Unappreciated”