Video Game Review: DragonBall FighterZ

Steam sales means that I get to pick up titles I’ve sought after at a great price; let’s be honest, we’ve all been extra tempted by Steam sales – And recently, Steam put up a sale for all DragonBall related games and lo and behold, the fighting game DragonBall FighterZ came up in that list. Anyone who’s ever read this website before will know that I do love a good fighting game. When DragonBall FighterZ first came out, I was hugely interested. It was a massive success story that was able to quickly rival the other 3v3 or ‘tag’ style fighting games, especially as it’s been a while since the last big one.

Steam sales means that I get to pick up titles I’ve sought after at a great price; let’s be honest, we’ve all been extra tempted by Steam sales – And recently, Steam put up a sale for all DragonBall related games and lo and behold, the fighting game DragonBall FighterZ came up in that list. Anyone who’s ever read this website before will know that I do love a good fighting game. When DragonBall FighterZ first came out, I was hugely interested. It was a massive success story that was able to quickly rival the other 3v3 or ‘tag’ style fighting games, especially as it’s been a while since the last big one.

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