AmeChibi 2020

On Saturday at around 8:30pm BST, it was announced that AmeChibi would be making its return next year. Fans of Kitacon and AmeCon didn’t get an event this year, but for good reason. Kitacon is currently undergoing major changes, with a lot of the committee changing and AmeCon did an event last year. The usual venue of Warwick University is also undergoing changes, as the venue is currently in the middle of a lot of construction work. Therefore, the only logical conclusion was that 2019 would have no convention from either event. Nevertheless, AmeChibi have announce that they are back. Here’s the information we currently know about the upcoming event.

On Saturday at around 8:30pm BST, it was announced that AmeChibi would be making its return next year. Fans of Kitacon and AmeCon didn’t get an event this year, but for good reason. Kitacon is currently undergoing major changes, with a lot of the committee changing and AmeCon did an event last year. The usual venue of Warwick University is also undergoing changes, as the venue is currently in the middle of a lot of construction work. Therefore, the only logical conclusion was that 2019 would have no convention from either event. Nevertheless, AmeChibi have announce that they are back. Here’s the information we currently know about the upcoming event.

Continue reading “AmeChibi 2020”

TDSM XI – Wake Up World

So these are exciting times. Three people today have sent me an article about other professional DMs around the world (many of whom charge a damnsite more than I do), and this hobby that was just barely sticking its nose out from its niche back in the mid 2000’s when I was learning to play is suddenly an industry that’s riding the growing e-sports and game-streaming trend to prosperity and greatness, spurred on by the likes of us who dare to charge the uninitiated into the ranks of character creators and story tellers.

And it’s not just Bloomberg who have sat up and taken notice. Continue reading “TDSM XI – Wake Up World”

Bristol Comic Con and Gaming Festival – 30th March 2019

Last year, we wrote about a relative newcomer to the comic con scene, with the Bristol Comic Con and Gaming Festival. After a successful first year here in Bristol, it looks like they’re back for another outing. As such, I figured it’d be a good time to check out what the event has coming up this year, as well as ticket prices and more. So, if you’re looking for a fun event in Bristol in the next few months, then come check this out. I’m sure it’ll be even better than the last one!

Last year, we wrote about a relative newcomer to the comic con scene, with the Bristol Comic Con and Gaming Festival. After a successful first year here in Bristol, it looks like they’re back for another outing. As such, I figured it’d be a good time to check out what the event has coming up this year, as well as ticket prices and more. So, if you’re looking for a fun event in Bristol in the next few months, then come check this out. I’m sure it’ll be even better than the last one!

Continue reading “Bristol Comic Con and Gaming Festival – 30th March 2019”

Stabcon South – Not as violent as it sounds

This is probably by far the weirdest name I have come across, for what is essentially a board game convention. The convention has been running for about 6 or so years and originated in Stockport. However, now we have Stabcon South that takes place in Southampton and since it is so close to Bristol, I grabbed two friends and went to check it out.

This is probably by far the weirdest name I have come across, for what is essentially a board game convention. The convention has been running for about 6 or so years and originated in Stockport. However, now we have Stabcon South that takes place in Southampton and since it is so close to Bristol, I grabbed two friends and went to check it out.

Continue reading “Stabcon South – Not as violent as it sounds”

Amecon 2018 – Timlah’s Summary & Gallery

WARNING: This article is incredibly image and video heavy! Anyway, AmeCon 2018 was a roaring success, however the event started off with a few technical issues. Having said that, the crew battled on through those issues to be met with a weekend that had both roaring heat and ridiculous rainfall. The parties were fun, the cosplays were incredible, the guests were wonderful and the panels were all in all great fun. Check out my thoughts and my gallery of AmeCon 2018!

WARNING: This article is incredibly image and video heavy!

AmeCon 2018 was a roaring success in my personal opinion, however the event started off with a few technical issues. Having said that, the crew battled on through those issues to be met with a weekend that had both roaring heat and ridiculous rainfall. The parties were fun, the cosplays were incredible, the guests were wonderful and the panels were all in all great fun (at least the ones I saw). Usually at these events, I don’t spend enough time going to events, usually because I’m in costume myself. For the first time ever, I went to an event with no cosplays, which felt strange, but seriously, it was rewarding to be able to look and appreciate the craft of Cosplay and Japanese fandom as someone looking in again. Read on for more on this year’s experience.

Continue reading “Amecon 2018 – Timlah’s Summary & Gallery”

Amecon 2018 – Critter Cosplaying

I have mentioned in the past that I do not Cosplay, and I made mention of it as part of my panel on confidence building, that I have accepted that it is something I am not tempted by, and that there is nothing wrong with that. I suppose now i have to rephrase that, I have a selection of options on how to update my status, all of which are true:

I don’t cosplay very often
I don’t cosplay very well
I don’t usually cosplay, but every now and then, with the right fandom, and the right crowd to tempt me in, I’ll throw something quick together.

In the build up to Amecon I’d spotted a couple of folks planning on putting together a Critical Role cosplay, and a group-meet planned for the Saturday. It was short notice, but one quick glance around my room and I realise that… actually, I had the pieces to put together a rather hasty Caleb Widogast. Continue reading “Amecon 2018 – Critter Cosplaying”


If you have been to any sort of convention or expo, then you have probably had some interaction with a volunteer at any given time. In fact, I would say that without the help of volunteers, then some of the events, especially an event like UK Games Expo would be a lot smaller and less awesome. Volunteering is a great way to attend an event for a low cost, as well as a way to give back to your fandoms. You can use that as an opportunity to get to see a new town, city or even country, if that is part of the opportunity. You’ll have to pay for your own travel to get there (sometimes your own accommodation too) but after that, there is usually very little to spend for.

If you have been to any sort of convention or expo, then you have probably had some interaction with a volunteer at any given time. In fact, I would say that without the help of volunteers, then some of the events, especially an event like UK Games Expo would be a lot smaller and less awesome. Volunteering is a great way to attend an event for a low cost, as well as a way to give back to your fandoms. You can use that as an opportunity to get to see a new town, city or even country, if that is part of the opportunity. You’ll have to pay for your own travel to get there (sometimes your own accommodation too) but after that, there is usually very little to spend for.

Continue reading “Volunteering”

Airecon 2018 Gallery

Last week, Chris wrote about his time at Airecon 2018. Last week, we only had one image. This week, we have all of the images from Chris’ trip to Airecon 2018. To see the spirit of Airecon in all of it’s glory, check out the full gallery below, along with an interview Chris managed to find the time to conduct there. For the serious fan or the casual observer of board games and what it means to be an analogue gamer, this event looks like a must!

Last week, Chris wrote about his time at AireCon 2018. Last week, we only had one image. This week, we have all of the images from Chris’ trip to AireCon 2018. For the board game fans out there, this convention looks like a right blast! Bringing people together over a good board game, as well as great conversation is truly something that we here at GeekOut Media believe in. To see the spirit of AireCon in all of it’s glory, check out the full gallery below, along with an interview Chris managed to find the time to conduct there. For the serious fan or the casual observer of board games and what it means to be an analogue gamer, this convention looks like it’s a must!

Continue reading “Airecon 2018 Gallery”

Airecon 2018 – Reporting from the con

It took the train just about five hours to trundle Chris’ way north to Harrogate from Bristol. With just one train change at Leeds, it was a very easy, but quite long journey. Airecon only occupies a small part of the Harrogate Convention Centre, but this does not mean it’s attendance is by any means small.

It took the train just about five hours to trundle my way north to Harrogate from Bristol. With just one train change at Leeds, it was a very easy, but quite long journey. Airecon only occupies a small part of the Harrogate Convention Centre, but this does not mean it’s attendance is by any means small.

Continue reading “Airecon 2018 – Reporting from the con”

Reload, Relive, Replay – New Gaming Event in Bristol March 30th-31st

2018 has already been eventful and it looks as if there’s another contender on the market. At the end of March 2018, there is going to be a transformation taking place in the heart of the centre of Bristol, inside of the Bristol Hippodrome Theatre. The theatre will be turning into a gaming hub for the first time!

2018 has already been eventful and it looks as if there’s another contender on the market. At the end of March 2018, there is going to be a transformation taking place in the heart of the centre of Bristol, inside of the Bristol Hippodrome Theatre. The theatre will be turning into a gaming hub for the first time!

Sounds good? Read on for info on what the event’s about, how to get there along with parking information and more.

Continue reading “Reload, Relive, Replay – New Gaming Event in Bristol March 30th-31st”