Top 10 – GeekOut UK Moments

So it has come, the final Top 10 of our existence as a geek social group. To those who aren’t aware, we’ll still have our Discord channel, where I hope to be able to share some geek positivity, but we’ll be no doubt more focused on video games on there. However, if you’re a geek of any description, come join us. Nevertheless, Joel and Timlah have been at work, sussing out what have been some of our Top 10 GeekOut UK Moments. We think we’ve come up with a fair list.

So it has come, the final Top 10 of our existence as a geek social group. To those who aren’t aware, we’ll still have our Discord channel, where I hope to be able to share some geek positivity, but we’ll be no doubt more focused on video games on there. However, if you’re a geek of any description, come join us. Nevertheless, Joel and Timlah have been at work, sussing out what have been some of our Top 10 GeekOut UK Moments. We think we’ve come up with a fair list.

Continue reading “Top 10 – GeekOut UK Moments”

Top 10 Magical Rides

Sit the saddle, fasten your seatbelts, and remember the magic word, we’re about to travel by ways and means that science would keep from us. Thankfully, we have magic on our side to make the going easier, faster, and way cooler than any lame road-bound car or some stupid horse…

Actually horses are ok, but this is a list of magical rides, magical horses from here only, and only if they are worthy of our rigorous Top 10 standards.

GeekOut Top 10s

Sit the saddle, fasten your seatbelts, and remember the magic word, we’re about to travel by ways and means that science would keep from us. Thankfully, we have magic on our side to make the going easier, faster, and way cooler than any lame road-bound car or some stupid horse…

Actually horses are ok, but this is a list of magical rides, magical horses from here only, and only if they are worthy of our rigorous Top 10 standards.

Continue reading “Top 10 Magical Rides”

Top 10 Suspiciously Cheerful Tunes

Ah yes, the old suspiciously cheerful theme tune. You know when you’re sitting there, listening to a tune and saying “Well this is all well and good, but…”

This list is dedicated to the tunes that made us feel uneasy in how pleasant they were. Oh sure, they are lovely to listen to and sure, we feel great hearing them still… But, just see what we mean, okay?

GeekOut Top 10s

Ah yes, the old suspiciously cheerful theme tune. You know when you’re sitting there, listening to a tune and saying “Well this is all well and good, but…”

This list is dedicated to the tunes that made us feel uneasy in how pleasant they were. Oh sure, they are lovely to listen to and sure, we feel great hearing them still… But, just see what we mean, okay?

Continue reading “Top 10 Suspiciously Cheerful Tunes”

Top 10 Monsters in the Snow

Well the weather outside was briefly frightful, but there’s worse waiting out in the snow than slippery roads and cold feet. Every flurry hides a horror that waits to prey upon the uncertain and the weak, every snowdrift has teeth that threaten to sink through thick coats and into nice warm flesh. So this festive season, let’s focus on the scariest part of winter, the beasts that haunt the tundra, and frozen places.

Here are our Top 10 monsters that wait for you out there in the snow.

GeekOut Top 10s

Well the weather outside was briefly frightful, but there’s worse waiting out in the snow than slippery roads and cold feet. Every flurry hides a horror that waits to prey upon the uncertain and the weak, every snowdrift has teeth that threaten to sink through thick coats and into nice warm flesh. So this festive season, let’s focus on the scariest part of winter, the beasts that haunt the tundra, and frozen places.

Here are our Top 10 monsters that wait for you out there in the snow.

Continue reading “Top 10 Monsters in the Snow”

Top 10 – Elves

GeekOut Top 10s

Elves are a strange category to cover, when you think about how much difference there is between the term. Some people just see the pointy ears and immediately call them an elf. Other people believe there must be some innate magical property in order for them to be elves. Whatever you believe, today we’re going to look at our Top 10 Elves in film, literature, video games and more. Continue reading “Top 10 – Elves”

Top 10 – Virtual Pets

GeekOut Top 10s

What strange beings these humans are, to designate species of their own planet – seemingly arbitrarily – as beloved companions to be invited into their homes, tended to and cared for, for no solid reason other than “they’re freakin’ adorable”. And when we can’t do that… or even if we can’t cram enough creatures into our home, we found a way to create artificial pets that fill the void that our three dogs, eight fish, two birds and half a cat simply can’t.

Here we gather some of the more adorable critters we’ve decided to take care of in our computer games, our Top 10 virtual pets… Continue reading “Top 10 – Virtual Pets”

Top 10 Reborn Characters

Rebirth, resurrection, metamorphosis, here assembled are characters who undergo transformative experiences, generally involving some period of death, or at least dormancy (at least one cocoon).

While we ourselves undergo a time of great change and transformation, here is our Top 10 list of characters who have been reborn.

GeekOut Top 10s

Rebirth, resurrection, metamorphosis, here assembled are characters who undergo transformative experiences, generally involving some period of death, or at least dormancy (at least one cocoon).

While we ourselves undergo a time of great change and transformation, here is our Top 10 list of characters who have been reborn.

Continue reading “Top 10 Reborn Characters”

Top 10 – Hidden Content in Games

GeekOut Top 10s

From Easter Eggs, through to incredible whole ARGs, video games are constantly amazing us. From the downright bizarre to the extremely eye-opening, video games are the most interactive form of media out there. So now, let’s take a closer look at some of the following games, in hopes that we can uncover a list. Should we say a Top 10 list? A Top 10 Hidden Content Within Games list, now that sounds like a mystery we have to solve! Continue reading “Top 10 – Hidden Content in Games”

My Magic: the Gathering Commander Pet Cards

Guest contributor Murray Butler is back once more, this time providing us with an explanation on Pet Cards in Magic: the Gathering:

As is evidenced by an article on this very site, and to anyone who is near me for even the shortest amount of time, my favourite way to play Magic: the Gathering is in the Commander format.

I’ve already talked about it before, but I’ll quickly recap the rules:

  • Legendary Creature(s) or Legendary Planeswalker(s) as your “Commander”
  • 99 card singleton (one copy of each card) deck (You can have duplicate basic lands)
  • 40 life starting life
  • Being dealt 21 points of combat damage by a single commander is an automatic loss
  • Traditionally played multiplayer but is viable in 1v1

Continue reading “My Magic: the Gathering Commander Pet Cards”

Top 10 – Effigies

I have travelled far and wide to find the object, the one object that will destroy my arch-nemesis. But I really never imagined the effigy that I must destroy would be… A plushie? Well, effigies come in all shapes and sizes, along with varying degrees of strangeness. Nevertheless today we’re going to look at our Top 10 Effigies that are in film, TV, video games, anime and more. Continue reading “Top 10 – Effigies”