A History of Festive Food in Video Games

Dashing through the less than 1 inch of snow here in Bristol, the weather has gotten rather chilly as of late! However, one thing we all really enjoy in life, is a good festive feast. From the traditional roast turkey, through to party foods and of course, a copious amount to drink. The holiday season is always full of cheer and goodwill.

Dashing through the less than 1 inch of snow here in Bristol, the weather has gotten rather chilly as of late! However, one thing we all really enjoy in life, is a good festive feast. From the traditional roast turkey, through to party foods and of course, a copious amount to drink. The holiday season is always full of cheer and goodwill.

However, Festive Food is a strange term, which I’m going to clarify for you:

  • It doesn’t have to be Christmas to be Festive (The term festive is actually “relative to a festival”, or festivities.) Any cause for celebration will do!

Similar to last week’s A History of Santa Claus in Video Games, this week I’ll list out five games where festive food has been displayed to some capacity.

Dead Rising 4 (2016)

Source: Steam

The most recent entry on our list features Dead Rising 4, a game where zombies are the hungriest patrons! Sure, there’s not much festive food within the game, but there is a giant candy cane crossbow which is indeed festive, but it’s questionable about it being food. Still, it looks good enough to eat, so I’m putting my foot down and including it in this list! Although, this is an unfortunate case of having to pay money for a weapon in game.

League of Legends (2009)

The Poro of League of Legends are an adorable little creature; they look like teeny tiny rams with comical tongues. However, when the season changes and the build up to Christmas begins, the Poro get a little treat! They can have Christmas Poro Snax in their own gamemode, which causes some rather unique effects to the King Poro. Whether or not you’re a fan of MOBAs, it’s hard to disagree with treating little ram-like creatures and their king to delicious winter snacks!

Final Fantasy IX (2000)

My all time favourite Final Fantasy makes this list, though you may not actually remember this part all that well. After all – this isn’t a Christmas entry, that’s for sure!

After the Festival of the Hunt, Reagent Cid invites Zidane and his party back for a Festive Feast. Eager to get stuck in, as the Festival of the Hunt is a rather tough sport, Zidane, Freya, Vivi, Steiner and Garnet eat their food, along with Reagent Cid – Only for Zidane, Freya and Vivi – along with Reagent Cid – to fall to sleep due to a sleeping solution in their foods. It turns out Garnet wanted to go it alone to speak to her mother – Though she needed the backup of Steiner.

Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension (1992)

Candy Canes. Okay, so it’s not exactly the most festive game again, but candy canes are featured prominently in Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension. An Amiga classic, Zool is an action platformer where you play as this little ninja, named Zool, and you fight off plenty of baddies in lots of sweet themed levels. Plus they were officially sponsored by Chupa Chups, which featured everywhere – But it didn’t impact the quality of this title!

Castlevania (1986)

Source: TV Tropes

Ah yes, so the oldest entry on this weeks’ list is Castlevania, the game that took a Vampire hunting family by the name of Belmont and turned them into something of legend. It’s a franchise so well known that it’s helped spur on a whole genre of action/platformers, called simply “Metroidvania”. With this said then, how on Earth does this one make our list? Simply put – whip the walls whenever you can! You may be treated to a whole roast turkey dinner. Delicious wall turkey, the most delecate cuisine in all of video games.

Now that we’ve seen more than enough festive food to last us a lifetime, it’s fair to assume that not all festive food is limited to festivities. Be it Christmas, or a festival of the hunt, or even when you’re out there slaying vampires, festive food is a great way to celebrate. Yes, it’s easy to get lost in all of the noise surrounding a festivity, however don’t forget to take a portion of delicious grub for yourself.

Of course, similar to last week, we’ll be bringing you one last Christmas-themed ‘A History of… in Video Games‘ next week! But then, on next weeks’ post, we will have one last vote, for a new year themed article. Aah, I told you, we like our themed content! As ever though, let us know with your vote, by picking one of these options below – This weeks’ almost stumped me again, but it won’t next week! I hope…

As ever, thanks very much for reading – If you can think of any other notable examples of Festive Food in video games, let me know in the comments below. Do you remember or at least know about the above Festive Food examples in gaming, or do you think I’ve missed out some jolly important ones? Notice I didn’t include Winterveil in this? It’s far too simple to keep pointing at World of Warcraft for this, I tell you! Share your thoughts below or over on Facebook and Twitter.

Author: Timlah

Certified gaymer with clout. Developing games and writing code. Loves people, but loves development a bit more. Say hi!

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